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This is one of the best VN I've played. Absolutely fantastic story and characters. Keep it up!!


Happy to hear it! Thanks, friend :)


Hello again! I just wanted to say that i am loving this masterful work of yours! It just get more and more amazing with no signs of slowing down! I'm curious though that is if you can say, when do we get closer to Jun? I mean being human and all seems they would have gotten even closer sooner. 

Thanks again for all your hard word! I'm sure I can speak for everyone here when i say we really love and appreciate what you do!

Hi there and thanks a lot for your kind words!

Not being closer to Jun yet has a particular reason which you'll maybe see in retrospect once we're closer to her - something that's going to happen within the next 3 updates. :)


I love it its the third time i play/read(i'm not sure what term is correct here) it,this is like my obsession

Glad you're enjoying it :P


So far I'm really enjoying this. I'm a little passed the intro to the SECS part and I really like how open ended this has become. For anyone on the fence about trying this, I highly recommend. Especially if you like a nice build up for the story.

Glad to hear and thanks a ton! :)


Hey Vertigo, I'm interested in the early access, but I got a question about it. Is this an one-time payment, that we get every early access for each update, or is it an early access per payment that repeats every update?


Hi there! Sorry about the delay, been a bit busy lately.

The Early Access is intended to be an alternative way to getting it through Patreon, meaning it will be $20/$5 each update.
I don't think Itch even gives the option of one-time purchase for all future Early Access downloads. The only thing I could do is set the whole project to have a fixed price, giving people continuous Early Access that way. But that would both prevent people from downloading the public version for free and be highly unfair to anyone going the Patreon route. :)


understood and understandable, thanks for the reply!


Just finished the game, and I absolutely LOVED it. Games like this are few and far between, and I couldn't stop playing. My only criticism would be that hint mode is practically required to get all the hamsters, but other than that, no notes. 10/10.


Thanks a lot, mate!

Yeah, the hamsters are tough, but that's what the hint mode is for. Think of trying to find them without the hint mode as something like a hardcore plus mode in some games or something. And always keep in mind: Android players have it even worse. (Unless you're an Android player yourself; in that case you're kinda f'd :P)


The thought never occurred to me about Hamster hunting for Android users. Now that I think of it, some of the spots are rather devilish for Android lol. Hints are definitely a saving grace for them especially

Yeah, I've gotten the odd complaint about it before lol


Yeah, I'm an Android user. Thankfully the back button exists, or else I wouldn't be able to brag any my full hamster collection

With the second-to-latest update (v0.31.1), there is a button to unlock all hamsters for Android players, seeing as it's really tough to find and click some of those buggers. You can find the button in the in-game phone hamster gallery. :)

(2 edits) (+3)

Hey Vertigo, have you considered setting up Itch to accept donations? I can see you have Patreon but I have a beef against Patreon that prevents me from ever wanting to even look at it let alone use it :P

If you dont want to use Itch for it, thats fine, but could you explain why please?

By that I mean, is there some feature of Itch that makes it less desirable as a platform for crowd funding?


Hello there!

I had Itch donations open for a while early on but had to close them for behind-the-scenes reasons. However, your comment brought this back to my mind and I have reopened them.

This also includes the newest update (and any future new updates) being available in early access on here as well.

Itch isn't inherently less desirable as crowd funding platform, no. I was still setting up everything back when I disabled the donations on here, so I wasn't able to reduce the default withholding rate of 30%. That's no longer an issue, though. :)

(1 edit) (+1)

Thanks for the info! Next time you put up an update with early access I will give you something in return. Your work on Crimson High is excellent and I want more.

Oh wait! 0.32 is available now?! YOINK!!


Haha, thanks a lot, mate! I appreciate the support!
Hope you enjoyed the update. :)


Oh I have been enjoying it! Currently going through the whole thing again from scratch just to remind myself of the whole story.


Nice! Have fun with that!


Just started this game a week ago, got to the last of the recent update! I Absolutely love it! the characters are all great! The story is pretty easy to follow without spelling things out for you! And even tho im a bit more into more hand on VNs, I am very much ok with just sitting with the story! Keep up the good work, Ill definitely be waiting for more!!

Thank you for your kind words, friend!


you absolutely deserve  them, ill have a field day when the next part is out to the public 


What a great game! I personally need more normal visual novels like this, with all the sandbox AVNs popping up left and right. Great story, I loved it!

I do have to say, however, I am somewhat disappointed with the fact that most characters have their first and last name start with the same letter. Makes me feel like not enough effort went into thought process for their names, you know? Similarly, Kuro's last name containing "Kage", as well as Okami having that name is a bit on the nose. Regarding "Buki-buki": is that a wordplay on the main character's default surname "Ibuki"? I know it's a cute/silly nickname Miri gave to his gun, but to someone who speaks Japanese it just sounds like "weapon-weapon" and I don't believe that's something a native would call it, even someone like Miri, unless it does have that double meaning with MC's last name.

If you don't mind me asking, are you Japanese, Mr. Vertigo? Aside from the obvious cultural references, there were several nuances that made me think the developer might be from Nihon. I don't remember most of them, but it was stuff like someone exclaiming "Heee" when surprised and some similarly minor details.

I want to commend you for smooth phone usage with text messages. In some games you press PgUp while in the phone and it goes all the way back to when you clicked on the phone, in others it straight up breaks the game in various ways. In your game it works perfectly fine and that's something I appreciate very much.

Anyway, it may look like most of this post was a complaint with all the name stuff, but I hope you don't take it the wrong way; it's all minor stuff and everything that I didn't critique I have greatly enjoyed. Believe me when I say that Crimson High is one of my favourite AVNs. Thank you for making it!

Vertigo is from Germany, as far as I know...

Thanks! Glad to hear you enjoy the game. :)

The alliterative names of some of the characters are by no means due to a lack of effort - it's a reference to another game.
As for things being on the nose.. there's nothing wrong with that, imo. For Okami it makes all but complete sense to have that name (can't prove it without spoilers, so you'll have to trust me on this one :P) and Kuro has chosen her last name herself when she founded her clan.
Just because something seems simple doesn't mean no thought has been put into it. Or in other terms: Things don't always have to be overly elaborate to be fine.

Buki-Buki is indeed a wordplay on Ren's last name, which obviously only works if you go with the default name. It meaning "weapon-weapon" is very much intentional, too.
Again, it might not seem like it, but I did put a lot of time and effort into the creation of the world - in some places it's noticeable, in others it isn't. Sometimes things being seemingly silly is even on purpose because my humor can be weird like that.

I am not Japanese, no. As Svensker correctly commented under this post, I'm from Germany.

Thank you! I appreciate your appreciation of the working phone. :P
It's something that had often annoyed me in other games myself, so I tried (and still try) to make it work as well as possible.

No worries, I didn't take any of this in a wrong way (I think). Likewise, my reply is mainly explanatory in nature - no hard feelings whatsoever.
Thanks for your comment and I hope you'll keep enjoying CH! :)




I love that you added a wolpertinger. I saw one(well, it was a taxidermy model) in the TV show Dexter and thought that it was really cool and cute-looking. Later I learned that it comes from an actual mythology and well, it's my favourite fictional animal. So, additional points for that.

Wolpertingers are great, yeah. They're from German mythology as well, so Emma was the perfect candidate for it. :P
Glad you approve!

Una pregunta cuando saldrá la v0.32.0

Esque me dejaron con mas :(

[Upside-down thingy]Hola!

v0.32 is going to be a bit longer. I'll try to make a post about why that is tomorrow on here.

The short version:
I've extended the current writing phase to write the scripts for v0.33 and v0.34 to create a bit of a backlog for myself.


Howdy there, I would like to say that I did not expect to fall in love with your game (not wanting to be rude like that or anything). I did just rate your game but I don't know if you can read it or not so I just want to say that I absolutely love all your work that you have done so far and I can't wait for the continuation of the story. It hurts not being able to continue a story you feel so attached to :(


Howdy there yourself! No worries, I get your intention :P
Thanks a ton for your kind words! I appreciate them a lot!
And yes, I can read your rating. Thanks a lot for that, too. :D
If only the rest of the game was finished already. I'd love to give y'all updates every day. :)


I don't know if you have been asked this before or not but who is your favourite so far or is it someone that hasn't been added yet?


The question did come up once or twice lol
It's tough to answer, since I love all of them, but Nene is pretty far up the ladder and probably whom I would call my long-term favorite.
But honestly, the others are so close behind her, that it almost doesn't matter. :D
Who is your favorite? :)


I definitely agree that the question is very tough especially with how well they have all been written and portrayed, oh how I would absolutely love to have them all be No. 1 because they are all amazing in their own little ways.

But I would have to say that Suzu is my favourite ever since you first get to see her in the school, but every other girl also deserves No. 1 because of the previous point where they are all amazing in their own ways


Ahh, Suzu. Definitely a good choice. :P
But yes, you're right, of course; all of them deserve to be #1. Except for maybe Kawaguchi and Saya. :D

(2 edits) (+1)

Hey Vert! I first played CH probably a year or so ago, and I stopped to give it time to be updated a few times, and man, you arent disappointing! <3

Glad to hear you like it, mate! :)

Downloaded the latest update on Android and it keeps crashing?

Does it give any kind of error message? Or does it just shut the application down?

It shows this very briefly before shutting fown

Uh.. are you sure you're on the correct page for the game you're trying to open? That error message is not related to CH. CH neither uses RenPy 8.1.3 (it uses RenPy 7.5.3) nor is there a folder called "music" with a file called "Tranquil.ogg".

From what I can tell, it's a CoR (Champion of Realms) error message, given the name (Zimon) in the file paths. You might want to check out CoR's page and ask there for help.


Oh my gosh you are so right!! I'm so sorry for this mixup! 

It's all good, don't worry. You had me really confused for a second there, though. :P

What's the main menu song?

It's "Chasing Daylight" by Scott Buckley

(1 edit)

I actually have a couple of questions.
1. When Emma says they're practically married. How come the MC didn't realize what she said and just kept talking to her?
2. Why do all the girls look like they have ahegou eyes when talking to the MC?

1. What makes you think he didn't realize what she's saying? It just wasn't an important part of the conversation
2. They don't?


ever since i first saw emma ive been looking forward to seeing more of her so very haply to finally see her again! not quite sure how i feel about her fantasy but i cant deny im curiousp




Hey i know that Polygamy is not always good but in ur game it does because I cant decide one girl in ur game they are all perfect to me so pleaaassseee dont make us choose Pls i begging u


I'm Commander Shepard and I wholeheartedly agree with this message!!


thx. By all means i dont like Polygamy in real life but in this game it needs it because all of them are adorable, funny, beautiful and are kindhearted i cant choose so i would get all of them

I'll think about it :P


plllllsssss i cant play If i Had to choose IT was hard enough for me to choose one in the classroom

Haha, no worries. CH is very much a harem game and I do intend to have at least one full harem ending where you can have (almost) everyone :)

a-almost everyone? Vertigo, what are you cooking?

Something spicy. :P


plsssss i need them all they are all special to me i love them all pls i begging uuuuuu

Alright, I'll add that secret Jiro harem ending, then.

@VertigoAVN it would be cool in the future if everyone has their own voice and speaks normally like people then it would be cool  

Huh? Are you talking about voice acting?


yes but i like your game keep making game   

I will do that, but voice acting is probably not going to happen :)


That was an evil cliffhanger to leave us on! But im loving it regardless lol




(1 edit) (+1)

I'm on day 7 right now, and holy fuck this game is great.

Honestly, going into it, I expected like.....a decent mystery with passable girls. But oml, the mysteries and writing is genuinely so good.

I think Suzu is probably the best example of that, when she was initially introduced, I was thinking "bratty pink haired chick, I'm into it" but now I must protect her at all costs, she is too pure for this world.

I am so hyped to see where the rest of this story goes!

Edit: There's so many moments with some of the other girls that seem comedic, and then Suzu is in the background looking so sad, you can't keep doing this to my emotions :')


Haha, sorry. Glad to hear that you enjoy the game, though. Thanks, mate! :)


Something I will say, is that for awhile I actually wasn't into the way it seemed to be going towards a harem. Not because I dislike harems, but simply because it hadn't really been talked about, so it was difficult to not feel as if it were scummy to smooch Suzu, and then go out with Miko and smooch her.

Then the beach happened on Day 9, and Miko directly said she was chill with it, and Suzu is a cuckqueen so that's cool!


Heh, yeah. Just going behind their backs would've been really not that great. :P

I swear I saw this either in another game as a sort of joke ad/reference... or did I see an ad somewhere else? Damn my bad memory, I know I've seen this somewhere recently but don't remember where it was XD

Anyone got the answer? Like I coulda sworn it was used in another game I played very recently...

I'm unsure if it was in another game but perhaps you're thinking of Fall of the Angels? Probably already seen the ad about it in-game since posting though

nah, just remembered (which is why I came to see if anyone responded) and I'm pretty sure it was WCA lol. They have a skit with one character where they watch an episode of Crimson High on Netflix or w/e it was. At least pretty sure I got the name right, World Crossing Academy?


Yes, World's Crossing Academy, and it's Beanflix, the streaming service parody I use for CH - which is where an equivalent scene with WCA happens in CH, too


that's equal parts amazing and great, we need more of these games referencing eachother in goofy ways like that imo.


Whoever is writing the story surely knows how to keep the player hanging on for more. I usually play these games for the story and yes sex scenes too. lol. But this game has me more hooked on the story even though there isn't much sex going on. The writer knows exactly where to keep a player hanging and shouting: "NOOOO!!!! NOT HERE!!!" When I get the chance, I will try and support this game. Not many games has a story that actually hooked on it instead of the sex. Keep up the good work.

Thanks, mate!


I enjoyed it, though it gets annoying that MC calls Suzu "cutie" almost every sentence. 

And you are a master of cliffhangers, good sir!


Why wouldn't he call Suzu cutie? If the shoe fits wear it!


I don't mind him calling Suzu (a) cutie at all. It was just too often for my tastes. It felt forced to me.In normal conversation you don't usually use the (nick/pet) name that often.

This being practically the only criticism I have just shows how good this is.


It feels naturally to me during writing but I guess that's a bit of a subjective thing. I'll keep an eye out going forward to see if I'm maybe overdoing it.

I'm glad you like CH otherwise. :)


banger update as per usual, but now our relationship with Suzu is picking up and so is the story with that cliffhanger so i am once again looking forward to the next update. It always puts a smile on my face when i see this game show up in my feed for an update.


That's nice to hear (well, read)! Next one's in the works :)


Aaaaaaaaah!!!! I love it but why so short?! XD Honestly, I love the story, love the cliffhangers, love the music and just everything and can't wait for the next update!

Because I'm just one person with two hands and 24 hours in my day. :P
Glad to hear you enjoyed the update, though! Next one's in the making. :)

How do I beat Niki stage?



Again, I have to repeat how amazing this VN is, although today I’m speaking mainly of the soundtrack. It works so well, and several pieces are truly beautiful. The other day, in fact, I was having a tough time- I was heavily overstimulated and needed something to help me relax and de-stress. Music has always helped me with that, and on this occasion, the piece for the scene with Aki in the storage room was exactly what I needed. The soft, soothing melody really helped calm me down. I was wondering if it is possible to get a copy of the soundtrack?

(1 edit)

Hey, thanks a ton, mate! Lovely of you to say. I'm really happy that CH's soundtrack was able to help you de-stress. :)

The song in question is "Emotional Piano Improvisation" by Alexander Nakarada. You can find the file in "CrimsonHigh/game/audio" or in many places online. :)

(All the other music files I use for CH are in that folder too, of course.)


Cool, thanks. I have to admit, I think Aki’s might be my favorite character story. I really love the redemption stories- people who make mistakes, some of them even worse than in here, but are able to come back stronger than before. It’s even better in cases like this, when someone (Ren in this case) who could rightly stand as an accuser, instead takes the lead in helping the offender to heal. The world would be a much better place if more people chose that path!

Yeah, it's easy to feel offended and just look at the perpetrator as a bad person instead of questioning if there's an underlying issue that maybe could be solved. But to be fair, most people have enough on their hands with their own problems, so that there's little left in terms of capacity to help everyone else. It's sad but it's also the reality of our world and somewhat of a downward spiral.

That being said, redemption stories are pretty neato, indeed. :)


This VN is great! Simply wonderful Suzu is the best gurl! Hina must be protected at all costs!! The only tiny little thing I would change is that a few more choices would be good! Other than that, PERFECTION!

Glad to hear you like it!

So far I've had no big problems, but I've found that everytime I return from the accessibility menu, it's no longer playable. The image remains, but the text and functions at the bottom all disappear, and nothing seems to be doable. On Android.


Yep, that's known and fixed in the newest version. 

(1 edit) (+1)

I just wanna say how good the game is I started playing a while ago and got hooked. The way Vertigo wrote the story makes me like the characters even more which is so good (im Team Miko and Team Okami) Im just wondering how long the next update will come out for the tier 0 members because when i finish I want to immediately go to the next update :D.

Also in a update soon will we go more in depth about the MCs mum and whether or not the MC is a myth.


Thanks, mate! Glad you like it. :D
Next T0 update will be out in ~2 weeks (plus the few days I need to finish the actual update lol).

And we will potentially maybe learn more about things in the next update already. Stay tuned. :P

(1 edit)

Ahoy is there any way I can access the pictures of a few of the characters sull body from a head on andnside profile preferably naked to be able to make it character accurate I have koikatsu and thought the school setting of the game would be cool to bring these characters into considering you can put your own custom characters into the game and it'll help tide me over between updates

If not that's obviously totally cool I can also pay if you'd like some money in exchange but worst case scenario I can just eyeball it

No matter what your answer thanks in advance 

Oh also just in case you were worried about it I don't plan on making my own game with it I can't wrap my head around even something as simple as a vn lol but again if you choose not to trust that i totally get it


Sorry to have to disappoint, mate, but I don't give out the character cards. Never did, probably never will. :)


aiy fair enough I figured no harm in asking lol thx anyways man have a good day


Suzu is best girl


You, Sir, are correct!


Suzu and Jun.


On a more humorous note than the other post, I kind of find myself hoping there’s a little mix-up with the costumes that got ordered… if Jun gets a spider costume by mistake, watching Suzu’s reaction will be absolutely hilarious!

Haha, yeah that would be fun, wouldn't it? :P


So… definitely getting the feeling that some kind of showdown is coming between Ren and Lilith Anzou. I wonder if possibly we have seen her without knowing her identity…


Like always your cliffhangers drive me absolutely crazy, and like always, they are written and executed flawlessly!!  Can't wait for the next one my friend!!  Although I am still waiting for more Nene!!

Thanks, mate! We're getting there.


I believe this is the first time I've commented on itch, but I HAD to thank you for making this game, Vertigo! I've finished the current update and all I want to do is play more and see where the story takes me. The combination of an intriguing story, a lovely and diverse cast, and great world building has made this one of my favorite VN that I've had the pleasure to play. Miko and Suzu have won my heart, but truly most of the characters you've designed are top-notch in design and personality, along with having interesting backstories. One of the things I've found to be very fun and unique to your VN so far is trying to guess a character's Myth (or if they're a Myth at all). I haven't said much about the scenes because, to be honest, if there were no scenes at all, I'd still be here for every update just to see the cast again. :D That being said, the scenes are animated nicely and the erotic situations the MC finds himself in are well written and very hot. Truly the whole package in a VN, I doubt you'll be disappointed if you give it a download. Thank you again Vertigo for this art, and I hope to soon be able to support your work financially as well. <3

Oh dang, thank you so much! What a lovely comment. :)


Not gonna lie, I hated the wait. But so worth the wait for the next update. :D But it felt do short, but so worth it :DDD

Classic :P

(3 edits) (+3)

I have never felt the need to really give my input on how I feel about a VN until now. This is probably, no, I'm almost certain, one of the most enjoyable VNs I have ever played. That is no exaggeration. The story is extremely enjoyable. There are just enough NSFW scenes to fit the genre but not too many where its overbearing and loses the focus of the story. THE STORY! I can't stress it enough. It really gives you the opportunity to really bond with each and every character. They all have their own story and you see how well they develop and how your relationship with them develops. It's not rushed and very thorough. The beautiful character designs, the attention to detail, the personalities, the expressions every character make in most conversations, the humor, in my opinion is perfectly executed. You can easily see just how much effort and attention you gave this one, Vertigo, you really outdid yourself. I am YEARNING for the next update. I am seriously addicted and need more. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to experience this fun journey that you have created. I will be following this one until the end!


Gosh dang it. Y'all keep one-upping each other with your comments. :D
Thank you so much, friend! Your comment is amazing! :)

(1 edit) (+2)

Can someone help me find a game, it's about a guy who after a tragic event goes to his grandpa's cabin in hills but just in hours after arriving the world is hit by mist , shadow ghoul like creature that were normal humans and animals try to harm you as you go towards city, it's an alien/magical beings kinda invasion and i forgot it's name. If you can please help


Weird place to ask about this, but alright. :D
The game is (aptly) named "MIST". Should be available on here.


Probably thought it'd be seen a lot and be more likely to get an answer since this is currently the most popular VN tagged "Adult" at the moment

Oh, really? Well, that's nice to know :D

(2 edits) (+1)

The all knowing Vertigo shinning his knowledge upon us mere human again!(Another great update btw, and maybe a spoiler question, if we're able to use the Suzu's ability which I think will put us to a close to myth category,  are we able to get a summon like Ronin and Rio by any chance?)

It's a bit too spoiler-y to give an explicit answer to, so I'll go with "maybe". :P


That is more than enough :D

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