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I loved the ambience! Is there an ending of this game?

it's cool, but i have a suggestion. when the characters have went through all their dialogue, it would be great if, instead of looping the whole thing they said, if instead they just repeated their last line. that there's nothing worse n games than having to sit and skip through a bunch of dialogue you've already read. that and as the dialogue is appearing on screen, it would be cool if whhen you push Z as its appearing, it makes it all just appear in case you are a fast reader and dont want to wait for the sentence to scroll. 

apart from that, for something made in three days, it was pretty interesting. i don't know if there are any other endings or paths, but it would be cool to see the door lead to more characters and places, maybe have more choices that ipact the endings you get. its a simple yet great concept. great job.

Haven't been able to get any but one ending.

While I appreciate there being a content warning at all, I would like something a little more specific. Just writing "do not play if you have any mental health issues" is like saying "don't eat this if you've ever had food poisoning," it doesn't tell people anything about what's being presented or what to prepare themselves for.

I've changed it, thanks for reminding me.

I think they are a family. The man who likes rain is very similar to the main character. And is that little girl the main character's daughter? but I don't know who the main character's wife is.

Damnn i spent a lot of time on the tea girl part xD

Great game! Keep up the good work!

Very simple but intuitive mga and the art style is spot on

Keren kak, sepertinya biar lebih beragam. Biar lebih interaktif, tiap tokoh dikasih interaksi yang berbeda. Biar pengalamannya maksimal. Trus interaksinya tidak hanya bisa diakses lewat tombol z. Tapi, lewat tombol lainnya seperti, spasi, dsb. Kurang diupdate lagi kak. Sama kurang voice untuk tiap karakter. Grafiknya dah keren kak... Ini saya coba pakai laptop.

Great art and interesting story, I got all the endings!