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i usually love parkour games and time trial game but this was just frustrating for me. finally figuring out what to do felt like work and then some of the stuff i learned in previous maps clashes heavily with the use of colors on maps further along. Plus i cannot get this thing to roll or climb when i need it to. some documentation on what techniques make it possible to do certain things without instantly hitting 0mph would be really useful. like hwere its going but the game obviously doesn't want me playing it.

can't even play it. because a SHADER PAC

same bruh

Very fun, though I wish it had controller support.

Also I couldnt get it to go fullscreen, though I'm pretty sure that's just me being inept with computers lol

P.S. this music is great!

Nah thats probably intended


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how to use the DirectX thinge

this is a good games but ts easily to get lost in the level and fall down


you have no air movement so that feels bad besides that a goodgame




what are the differences of the free version and the steam version?


Steam version isnt in Alpha and this one is.

and the steam version is more optimized, it has online, and it has a better feel for movement

Im not gonna download the game until you tell me if it requires uncooking or not,please tell me.



I also have no clue what they mean by that

Uncooking is something you need to do for most unreal engine games using directx,it is hard to do and requires advanced pc users(im not advanced)

I'm pretty sure if that was the case the devs would say that on the webpage. I'm learning development for Unreal Engine and I've never heard of "uncooking" before.

Uncooking exists,and most devs dont say they're game needs you to do it

it doesnt require uncooking

thanks my guy

i cant play it when i open it it says 

FATAL ERROR in Vertex Shader compilation
ShaderName: sh_shadow_projection

D3DXCompile failed - result

at gml_Script_scr_render_scene
stack frame is
gml_Script_scr_render_scene (line 0)


i played the game and it was really fun to play! I am going to keep playing it and make more videos!! It would really help alot if you could check out my youtube channel!!

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