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The Double Life of Flying VView game page

Made for the Game Jam 2023
Submitted by cheyenne.deloach (@CDeLoachDev), Semicolonkid — 1 hour, 48 minutes before the deadline
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Ranked from 39 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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From Google Fonts -Sriracha by Cadson Demak -Permanent Marker by Font Diner, From The Epic Marketplace -Interface & Item Sounds Pack by Daydream Sound -Human Vocalizations by Gamemaster Audio, From -Punch_02.wav by thefsoundman, From -Whoosh sound by Pixabay

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Clever game! I am just not coordinated enough for it :)


I'm impressed with its unique mechanic of managing two sides simultaneously, it keeps gameplay fun and challenging. Good job!


Thoughtful mechanics, the jump is smooth, I really like it, good job!


I like the aspect of simultaneous management of the two sides, and that the controls are simple enough that managing the two sides is reasonable. The task sprites for the personal side are large and identifiable, so it is fairly easy to glance at that side and react quickly. The responsiveness of the personal side's controls feels a little strange due to the head randomly moving - I expected it to remain in place without input as it does when I don't move on the hero side. The controls on the hero's side feels more consistent and reliable in comparison as I know the hero is in the same place where I left them when I stop moving left and right.

I like the duality of the consequences of collecting vs. missing tasks, and how it affects the gameplay on the hero's side. For example, collecting a chore beats all onscreen bad guys, whereas missing it makes them invulnerable and would result in a loss of potential points. However, missing tasks doesn't directly affect the player's current score, which lessens the need to pay attention to the personal side. As the only fatal consequence is falling off screen on the hero side, missing the heart tasks felt like the only real consequence worth watching out for. The danger that missing hearts poses is  reduced due to the amount of platforms that appear, and that the head randomly moves around and would often catch a lot of the tasks without my input. 

A possible improvement would be to implement a game-ending condition on the personal side when a player misses too many tasks. For example, a player starts with 5 chances that are depleted on missing tasks and cause a  game over when the player runs out of chances. This gives the personal side a similar level of importance to the hero side as focusing on one side too much will cause a game over on the other side.

The sound effects used for the task collection and misses felt appropriate, and the music was perfect for the arcade style gameplay. 

Overall, I like the management aspect of maintaining two sides to keep the game going, and believe that this aspect makes this game fun to play.

An engaging arcade game about maintaining two sides of life.

Developer (1 edit)

Wow, thank you so much for the thoughtful comment and critiques!!

You nailed it, missing hearts is by far the easiest way to lose, and if I were to give players one bit of advice, it's "prioritize hearts." The "floatyness" of the head was an accident that we decided to keep because we liked that it added a little disruption to the right side, but we did hold mixed feelings about it the entire time.

In terms of pure game mechanics, we didn't really mind that the right side is less important than the left side. To be honest, most people have found our game to be much more difficult than we expected, and I think missing X tasks and losing would just be...too brutal. If you manage to stay alive for 2-3 minutes, the right side gets insane, which in my opinion is when the game gets really fun (in retrospect, could have made this happen faster, which was my fault). You basically reach a point where you're constantly grabbing and missing tasks and it's very chaotic, and I'd rather not cut that short. It'll end soon enough anyway, haha.

In terms of flavor, I think of it like this: Fighting crime is deadly. Your personal life can be in total disarray, but if you slip up on the battlefield, it's over. Relationship problems won't kill you, but being distracted by them while fighting could.

I do like the idea of adding some depth to the right side though, where neglecting it is reflected in some additional way. And I think if we were to work on the game further, one of the first things we'd do would be to at least tone down how floaty the head is.

Thanks again for taking the time to try our game and give this review! We really appreciate it!!


Great music for the game and an excellent reward system that makes you want to earn boosts


Interessting concept with basically two minigames at the same time
I thought it was a bit hard to control since the head on the right side seemed to have a head of its own (pardon the pun) and was moving all over the place by himself


Good concept for the theme, and it was fun to play, but a little harder that i can manage without a stress. :)


Reminds of classic days of flash games! Challenging to handle both sides at the same time, especially when flying Vs head decides it suddenly wants to to go you the other side of the screen even though it is in the perfect spot to get a power up. If I would add anything it would be a button that you can press to quickly restart instead of having to move my hands to the mouse to start again. Very fun, great work! 


Loved it! It was a bit hard to manage both games at the same time but I somewhat? got the hang of it. I don't think I got very far, but I did have a lot of fun.


Honestly one of the funniest games I've played in this game jam. SUPER DUPER easy to play, amazing work. I honestly liked the split-screen thought. Guys keep up the good work! :)


The split screen take on this theme has been my downfall. I have found out that I am not well tasked to wanting to split my concentration like that. I want to enjoy the part I focus on. I find these cause me to have to stay in a state of constant unfocus. This was a great game for this type. I think you did a great job. It was just very difficult for me. Good Job though!

Developer (1 edit) (+1)

You're not the only one; it seems a lot of people found our game more challenging than we expected. You might be surprised how well you can do when you just focus on controlling the left side for a while, but I understand if the right side's too distracting. Thank you for trying it nonetheless, I'll try out your game soon!


Yay superhero game! I had an idea for one if another theme had won.

This is a good take on the concept, a double life makes sense as Life in Two Dimensions. I'm quite bad at multitasking myself (I'd be a bad superhero...) so I don't do well in attention dividing games but I still like how this one is set up. :)

I found that the right side game's up and down movements were difficult to control sometimes, Flying V's head wouldn't always go up or down as the usual speed and sometimes collecting an item would appear to push his head to amplify that issue.


Thanks for playing! The way we had the game set up, I was finding it really tough to match the right side's speed to the left side, I do agree it's an issue. I enjoyed the the right side was a little floaty, but when you hit a money jump it can get out of hand. It's definitely the part of our game that I'm least happy with.

But thanks for the feedback! We'll give your game a look as well.


Yeah, the "float-y-ness" of the head wasn't intentional but became one of those "it's not a bug, it's a feature" kind of moments for us because we liked how it added some disruption. We tried to soften its effect, but couldn't quite figure out a good way in time. Thanks for playing!


Very interesting take! I love the comic-y book visuals :D I can't help but feel you could've done more with the story. Perhaps a short cutscene at the start showing that the superhero has to find work/life balance xD


I actually really wanted to do this, but wasn't sure if there was time to get it implemented in a way that made sense with the gameplay loop (wanted it to be easy to just get into the game).

But I like the character of Flying V, and I think I or we might do more with him in the future. Thanks for playing!


Brilliant mechanics! Challenging without being complicated.


Awesome take on the theme, like a bunch of people have already said! Really hard to stay on top of what's going on in both screens at the same time, but that just adds to the theme. Job well done!


Well done guys! You totally nailed the theme of the jam and came away with a great fun little game.


Tbh I didn't fully understand how to play at the start, but after few times figured things out and it became fun.
Tho controlling both sides is a bit hard, but it's a matter of practice I guess.
Good job!


You nailed the two-dimension co-ordination thing! Very fun to play kudos!! :)


Overall a solid game, did have a bit of issues with controlling the right side but it was pretty fun, well done!


simple and unique game. First time, I got a trouble understanding the game. overall good job completing the game!

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