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A member registered May 10, 2023 · View creator page →

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No, the arrow didn't hit me before the portal. There was a browser error on the game page with a long code, but I couldn't copy it in time because the page closed. Could it be a memory leak?

I managed to win without using any power-ups!

It's a good game with potential. It can be turned into a fantastic clicker game for mobile devices.

The meowing of the cat is simply terrifying. :D
After the portal, the enemies do not deal damage, and the game crashes with an error when it comes to the floating pillars that move up and down.

Thank you, it's a great game. The health bar is hidden in fullscreen mode, but it was enjoyable to play and defeat enemies. The movements were well-polished, and I think balance can be achieved if you reduce the shooting range of the worms

Cool game, I had a lot of fun reaching the top!

lol, this game is extremely fun:D

Just a wonderful idea and the gameplay itself. You did a great job!

I played your game on the first day of the jam. Unfortunately, my game got accidentally deleted along with the comments and the rating I gave you. The controls were simply superb!

It was enjoyable to run around. Is the hitbox of the final boss intentionally set so low?

Great game for kids!

Good game! It was nice to reminisce about Serious Sam. 30250 the maximum score?

(1 edit)

Thank you for your kind feedback

Thank you, your game is also very enjoyable. I had a great time playing it!

Thank you for your kind feedback

Thank you for your kind feedback

I've cleaned up the whole apartment, now I can sleep peacefully. It's time to tidy up my own place too. I enjoyed playing the game, the music was well-chosen, and those funny ghosts! I felt sorry for the one hiding under the blanket on the bed, I didn't want to scare it away:D

This game is undoubtedly outstanding. It may not fit the theme, but its polished gameplay is a big plus. I got immersed in it, trying to mix different items

I think it is worth adopting such an approach to game ratings

Do you not forgive developers for mistakes, evaluating the game as a finished product, or do you evaluate the game as a concept that can become something bigger than just a game created for a game jam?

I hope you played in fullscreen mode as shooting is only possible by picking up the corresponding items. Thank you for your feedback.

i liked how well the hero and enemies were developed

Thank you, I believe we're all here for feedback to know what needs improvement. Could you please let me know which areas you found to be the weakest?

I love the movement mechanics you have in the game. My game is full of mistakes, but after collecting all the feedback, I will start rewriting it to make it a complete game.

I enjoyed wall jumps, but the combination of jump and up button was not ideal, as sometimes it made me run backward downhill.

It was fun.

I'm sorry, that's my one big mistake to assign the pause function to Esc, I will fix it. I didn't plan a browser version

Thank you for your feedback.

I have left a video in the comments below as an example of how it approximately looks.

Perhaps you simply didn't flip the card to the "E" side, as it has two positions: facing the player and sideways. If it's facing the player, you won't be able to catch the stream, and therefore the "W" button won't work. I'm honest with players and made an effort to play through the game six times after releasing it to ensure there are no secrets—just follow the instructions.

Thank you for your feedback. Everything will be taken into account!

Thank you, I had a good laugh too. Your team has a great sense of humor:D

Great music for the game and an excellent reward system that makes you want to earn boosts

I played and rated your game, try out mine as well,

The punishment is too severe; it's impossible to enjoy the game when constantly in a negative or very small positive state. By the way, for a nice color effect, you can try using a shader with the Fresnel effect.

That's a fantastic idea with the teacher. When I picked up the gun, I literally said, "Alright, who's next? Bring it on, one by one!" :D

Increasing the bullet speed would have made the task easier.  
And sometimes the teacher kept turning around every second, which hindered the enjoyment of the process because we had to wait a long time for his dialogue.

  • I tried to include some elements that carried over from Scene 1 to Scene 2 and ended up in Scene 3, such as the bird that hangs in the void and the bugs that you carry along the pipe, all of which serve as hostages in the situation. Thank you for having the patience to play the game. It's just a small concept that will be further developed after the game jam, taking into account all the feedback received. Sounds and more visual effects will be added to warn the player. Level 2 is designed to be challenging, and the control change is intentional. In reality, it's relatively simple and has been simplified compared to the previous version. I didn't want to add too much dynamism to it because I realized it may not be accessible to everyone. I didn't want the level to become as intense as in Battle Toads with speedboats.

    The fact that the character is not facing forward is a deliberate design choice to guide the player and make them aware of the turn mechanic using the E button. If you played in windowed mode, you might have missed some dialogues, and I apologize for that.

    I left a rating and a comment.

    Thank you, I will try to readjust all the colliders in the scene since they are free assets on lvl1. I had to rely on raycasting to track the player's position in space so that it reads the surface normals and doesn't collide with them.

    It was a bit of a strange mechanic for me, but you were able to tell the story excellently.