Day 1 & 2 Update and Progress Report

Hope everyone's doing okay!

For those who don't know, the progress  on build 7 has been delayed due to a severe infection I got in my wrist. It's all cleared up now, but there's still a pretty big flesh wound that's causing me a lot of pain and it isn't wise to type for long periods of time. That being said, I should also point out that build 7 is going to be much smaller than previous builds. I'm predicting somewhere in the region of 12k words. I'd consider this build the 'final breath before the plunge' and the story enters its final, darkest moments! So, if you're expecting another update full of horror and drama then just... lower your expectations slightly - this one is going to be a bit more chilled out. I still don't have an ETA on a release, but I'll announce as soon as I've got one in mind.

I have managed to keep myself busy by doing some smaller work on the VN, and so I've done a small polish update to days 1 and 2 which I've just uploaded. This isn't a big re-vamp like the prologue received, but more just doing small touches to writing I did over two years ago when I was far less confident as a writer than I am now!

In particular, close attention has been paid to Alex's dialogue. Since his characterization really takes place towards the end of Act 1 and Act 2, I've gone back to ensure he acts a little more consistent with waking up as a 'nobody' with a forgotten, buried identity. This mostly involved making him seem slightly less confrontational, but keeping his suspicion and scepticism of his new situation high.

That's about all. As always, if you want to get in touch the best way to do so is Twitter or the official Soulcreek discord server!


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Dude don't pet the zombies. Get well soon though *muah*.


Please get your rest! I would wait a year for a dinky update if it means you let your wrist heal up proper!


I hope you get well soon. Health issues are pretty bad sometimes. I have an ruptured meniscus in my left knee and I have no time to get it fixed. It fucking hurts at times!

And thank you for your colossal work! Soulcreek are really masterpiece!




Glad to hear your wrist is getting better. That pic of what you did showed told me it was really painful. 


Thanks for letting us know. Take good care and I wish you a good recovery.


Hey congrats on getting better, and take all the time that you need to. I really enjoy Soul Creek a lot :3