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(2 edits) (+1)

Errors I found while playing:

  • Various minor grammatical errors, I won't catalogue them all here but it might be worth getting a proofreader of some kind.
  • When chosing the "short" height I get an error where a variable call ($height3) is visible in the text and thus is not set. Later in the story, when this variable is called it then doesn't work properly because it was not set properly here. Also just as a note as a developer, the way this variable is used seems to define the height of a specific character as a string of text like "a woman shorter than you" or such. This is generally not how these kinds of variables are used, more usually being compared in an if statement whenever a character's height is important so that the author can write appropriate descriptions on the fly and doesn't have to rely on the same text string forever.
  • When going to the infirmary for the sick old man, I did not listen to the voices or look behind any curtains but the following text seems to imply that I did (the doctor being suspicious of me and a later passage saying I ponder what I read, but the variable for what I read is not set so it just displays the variable name).
  • Two commas in the scene where the doctor returns with the old man: "My eyes snap to the back of the room,, but"
  • When interacting with Wylder, taking her hand (both flirt and normal) reduces her relationship instead of adding to it. The relationship stat goes from 50 to 5 or 7 depending which I pick, likely the result of the variable call setting the relationship stat to a number instead of adding that number to the current relationship value.

Overall a promising little demo. Just needs a clean up pass to tighten some stuff up. One personal pet peeve of mine is how often numerals will find their way into the text. Like instead of "you two" it will say "you 2". Its not major but in my opinion it comes off as sloppy, sort of like inserting texting abbreviations like 'tho' or 'smth'. Numeral characters aren't usually used for small numbers in stories. That's nitpicky though and ultimately I can look past it since the premise is intriguing.


I appreciate all this feedback, thank you!! 

About the heights- I wrote that particular part before I even knew what if statements were LOL I have since then figured out how to do that, and have changed it up in the story. [Just haven't updated the public demo] 

And typing out the number instead of the letter thing is my little bad habit... I'm trying to break out of it ๐Ÿ˜‚ 

Anyway, thank you again for the feedback. It's much appreciated!! 


LOL thats very fair, and I wish you luck on learning all the fun lil things you can do with twine then! Looking forward to the next chapter!


smh im stuck between wanting to romance Halson or Roman, the agony of choices

ur story*

Also i think i found a bug? Is it supposed to drop Wylder's opinion of you by -50% if you take her hand? It does the same with the [FLIRT] option too
Not taking her hand doesnt change her opinion
Is it supposed to be the other way around?


Hehehe ๐Ÿคญ

And no, taking her hand is supposed to be a positive addition to her approval rating, but not taking her hand isn't supposed to affect it at all. I've been going through and finding these little bugs like that all throughout the story, so I'm hoping to have it fixed by the next update. I thought all of the approval stats were up and running, and it turns out that... they were not. ๐Ÿ˜‚
Thank you for bringing my attention to it though!!


Oh i loved the update but you  really had to end it like that omg ๐Ÿ˜ญ

heeheehee ๐Ÿคญ sorry, I love cliffhangers ๐Ÿ˜‚ 


i love this!! can't wait for more <3 and wanna fight all the guards ;)


Everything of yours is fantastic!  I will forever be a fan and can't wait for more of this one, the setting is incredibly interesting!


Well that's time to break out of this prison!!


I am liking what I'm reading so far, but one thing that I'm noticing is a lot of disparity between the calm and collected options/responses and the scenes right after almost being a emotional breakdown of the character. 

While I can understand those responses, being a almost hopeless setting with little to no way out in sight, I can't help but feel a bit confused about the choices presented. Does the MC have some sort of condition in this story that isn't explained at the start or am I just not really understand how they feel about it?

It might just be me being a moron here (wouldn't be the first time), but it kinda bothers me in a sense that this is happening.

hello! thank you for the feedback. You aren't a moron at all, and I'm definitely going to be going back and be changing a few things. This is, of course, not the first draft- but it will be changing constantly until I get it like how I want! ๐Ÿ˜Š I definitely want it to be a bit confusing though, considering that when MC wakes up, they don't really remember a lot about how they ended up where they are. [Like, how they ended up getting arrested? Why they were just coming out of a trance-like state?] And I want there to be a sense that maybe MC can't exactly trust their own emotions/judgment... There is more going on inside MC's head than first realized, and there is definitely going to be more explanations later on... but at the start, you should feel like you were basically thrown into this situation with no information, because that is technically what happens to MC. 

But! Trust your reading comprehension- because I do! If you say something feels weirdly timed/oddly played out and doesn't make sense in the context of the story, then it means it is! And that is on me, and I will definitely be going through it again and making some changes before the next update.

Again, thank you for reading and giving some feedback! It's greatly appreciated. ๐Ÿ˜Š


Ah, glad to hear it's just intended to be like that.
I'll keep this on my list of updates to see where it goes, thanks for the reply btw


Oh wow Devi. I can't believe I'm saying this but i might actually like this more than i did Demo. The writing is honestly so good. I just wanted to keep going! I love how different the ROs are but hal is just ๐Ÿ˜ top of the list. I really really enjoyed this. I know i say tht for all your stories and I'm a fan duh but seriously this was very well written.

heheh ๐Ÿ˜Š Well, I'm glad you like it. I love writing darker/fantasy settings, so this is definitely more my element, rather than a modern day setting like Demo and SoS. [Not that I don't like writing those, though. ๐Ÿ˜]  thank you for reading!! And for always leaving me such sweet comments, it always makes my day. ๐Ÿฅบ