Unity Runtime Fee

After the recent announcement by Unity about their new licensing policies and Runtime Fee, we have decided to cease developing new projects with their engine. We are migrating our projects and updating our production pipelines to support another engine.

Even if we are a tiny studio and make niche games for a specific audience, Unity has shown us that it can't be trusted as a platform. At any time in the future, they might change their policy again, and we might find ourselves being charged because gamers are installing our game.

It's too risky and scary for a small studio like us struggling to make visual novels in our spare time, hoping to make some money to cover our production costs. Now, the platform we use to make our games can turn on us at any moment and bankrupt us.  

And that's not fun :(

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Hopefully, Life in Silk and your other + future projects can escape their thieving hands. All luck & fortune to you, Super-Ecchi!


Thank you very much, your message of support is very appreciated :)