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I was not prepared for the front-facing camera. The rest was a great game!

The front facing camera freaked me out at first when I saw my face haha, but this and other things like the date and time of day being the real life one is really adding to the immersion. I really enjoyed playing the game and exploring and getting to know Éva through her phone :)

Aha it spooked me too (our programmer put it in and I didn't know until I playtested the game). Glad you liked it!

Cute game with a unique style. Good job creating an interesting experience in the small time window!


Neat point and click game! Exploring the phone is pretty charming and offers a great insight into the phone owner’s life. The art style is pretty great as well! Overall, it was short and sweet. Great job on this!

Thank you!

this was so well written and the art was so cute <3!! i love phone simulator games like this and there was just the right amount of challenge to solve the puzzles + find out more of the mystery! amazing work especially for a 48 hour jam, the rhythm game was really fun too. would love to play more tbh, but also you managed to fit in so much of eva's world and story / relationships in the short gameplay time which was super impressive :)

thank you so much!