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I wanted to know how to unlock weapons in the lobby if there is a clear way to unlock them.
(2 edits)

Fala, meu querido, andei dando uma bizu no discord mas n encontrei lá nem aqui nem um link sobre donate e afins, tem alguma maneira que a gente pode ajudar na produção do game???

Edit: Sonho com esse game desde o primeiro, achei que o sonho tinha acabado quando vc parou a produção naquela época e meu sonho brilhou de novo quando li sobre a produção do 2, irmão, nem que seja pra aprender a fazer o jogo também, me fala, como eu posso ajudar na produção de alguma forma??

it supports 32-bit

10/10,this deserves multiple awards

(1 edit)

good shit, we still need more bosses

what the queen doin? i was not knowing that you chillin like that

(1 edit)

i got it off steam and i loved it  overall score 10/10 really charming artstyle and the open world is really fun to explore but one suggestion is to add more gun types and stuff like a rocket launcher also i haven't beat the bosses so i don't now if a rocket launcher is already in

There no Rocket launcher. I'll add more weapons as i add more bosses.

alright cool thanks for responding

(1 edit)

Hey are you interested in working together ? . I can help you with money . This is no joke . I really am interested in working with you.....   Adrianks47

vai ter algum inventario ao estilo re4?

Mas já não é estilo RE4 ?

my game keeps crashing after i play it for about 9-10 minutes, is there any way to fix it, thanks anyway

I dont know man. Sorry you're having problems.


God damn, i loved this game when i was little. thank god it didnt fade to obscurity


Oh damm i remenber playing it back in 2014

Hmm Será que zumbi bloco vai ter versão mobile bem estou esperando faz tempo que eu não jogo esse jogo

Não vai ter versão mobile.

Hello bro, the game is very good, in fact I wanted to make my own version but not very creative when designing the textures and all that  Anyway, I was thinking if you would add a horde mode, type inside a house and have to survive several waves of zombies, either multiplayer or solo  Also if you would add the classic menu to buy weapons  And if this version will have an improvement system, such as sights, suppressors, silencers for stealth, etc.

I do plan on changing the gameplay towards a base building / wave defense mode.

Hey adrianks47, will there be new bossfights in later updates?


game's great with nostalgia, and I know it's early alpha but path finding and all those bugs are unplayable, I am not hating the game just waiting for improvements, also add a dedicated melee button for first person because that's annoying to play in third.

Pathfinding is very glitchy, specially with the Riot Boss. But other than that there's shouldn't be many other major bugs. If you've seen any major game breaking bugs please tell me.

epicidad 9999%

can we play coop without hamachi if we are on same internet?

I never tried, but it should be possible

(1 edit)

You should make more maps other than this one, pretty small map. Otherwise, pretty solid game.

The map is procedurally generated. But right now everything just looks the same. I got to add more varied stuff.

I haven't played the first game but are there gun customization? 

This is my opinion about this game that I love, need to improve...

The game got a lot more easier, becouse weapons and guns are everywhere

i got to insane level really fast with no problem (nerf the spawns of weapons and supplies) the zombies dont offer any chalenge if you have infinite supplies of guns and emmo.

Is missing variety of zombies (WHRE ARE THE BIG GUYS) i think you sould add more type of zombies this time, like a poison or fire type Idk

We need more places to climb.  The thing that i used to love about Zombie Blocks 1 was when me and my friends used to barricade some high places to  wait for the night

And last but not least, i think the Zombie Queen scape too mutch from the 

aesthetics of this game, idk is just strange to see a creature like that in this game. But the Riot Zombie is great desing

(bring back the Radio to call for supplies!!! that was my fav item ;P)

Thx for reading.

I got to rebalance everything. Initially I wanted to make it a rogue-like (similar to Risk of Rain), but it's not really working out that way. 
So I'm going to change the way difficulty works entirely. And I want to add base building and waves, to make it more like ZB1. More of a survival game.

Pelo amor de deus não coloca zumbis com poderes, zumbis com mais resistência e mais dano até vai mas zumbi de fogo não da! 

Hello AdrianKS, I am an old and great admirer of your game for several years, because I have always liked the free and infinite style that Zumbi Blocks 1 and 2 have, I would like to know if one day you will return to Zumbi Block 1 with a new update , I miss that time when Zumbi Block once dominated the favorite pages of games like Y8 or MiniJuegos, thanks for reading, we miss those times.  carefully: Someone with good taste

This isn't zumbi blocks in the slightest

What do you think it's missing, compared to ZB1 ?


This is not a first person stealth survival game, its a generic same-y third-person gun nerd portfolio piece. I get that the design of the original was objectively bad, but what you changed made it even worse. For instance, New day on the Zombies World. This game was ugly, unbalanced, and very confused. That games same problems permeate this game but in a different form. Instead of ugly design, you chose a boring flat-shaded design that looks like a cry of irrelevancy at the foot of Unturned. Instead of bad and unbalanced gameplay, you chose to emulate popular games of our time which lead to an extremely time consuming nothing-burger.

Lets break down each title.

-- Zumbi Blocks Gameplay --
You quietly scavenge for ammo, find radios, collect and keep resources to use them however you like. Zombies are completely silent, so it is important that you stay constantly alert. If you don't move, you don't get ammo, you don't get kills, you don't get money.
When night rolls in, the extreme lack of light poses a great disadvantage to the player. Not only can you not hear the zombies, but you can't see them very well either. This tense combination of stealth and scavenging makes for some interesting results.
Guns are loud. While you are getting tons of ammo, you know shooting will get you hordes of enemies on your back. It is impossible to kill all enemies sustainably, since the more you kill the more they spawn. They are also that slight bit faster than your walking speed, so they're always catching up to you and you won't know until you see or get hit by them.
Zombies do a lot of damage, usually killing in 5-6 hits, but can also cause bleeding. Since health items are one of the rarest resources, and within that category bandages are even more fleeting since they give +10 health, you are forced to be smart and save up.
Simplicity that flowers into complex enough strategy to still be arcade-like. Beautiful.

-- Zumbi Blocks 2 Gameplay --
giant boss spawns (with a health bar and title like its Dark Souls??), shoot until you have no ammo, whack him until you die, repeat 20 times until it falls. Pick up the LEGENDARY AA-12 (WOAH!!!) which in reality sucks much like every game that follows that trope.
now that the tutorial is done, maybe the game is better? No. It is just as nonsensical, unbalanced, boring, and pointless. You run around what looks like a store asset which would be called "Low-Poly Tropical City". Watch the difficulty bar that looks like it were made for a toddler go up into the spooky purple tier (it means difficult by the way). Pick up the same 3 weapons that are all modelled to be semi-realistic and have some little quirk to them to make all the Tarkov nerds point their finger at the monitor and go "A WELROD!!!  FRICKIN EPIC!!!". Shoot the zombies that die immediately and are visible and audible at all times which makes them really not scary or impeding at all. Dodge roll (again, why?) out of the way of the zombies who pre-program their attacks 3 years before they happen. Sort through you inventory a bit I guess. Ogle the bullet calibers.
That's really all I can say. I understand the game is unfinished but so is Zumbi Blocks. Its so much for so little and everything within it can be compiled for the same result completely by assets from somewhere like the unity asset store. I made it an hour into a run with this game and not once did I ever think to save up on anything or be scared of an enemy. I died because I got bored and ran myself into a crowd I gathered.

-- Zumbi Blocks Visuals--
Amateur. While this word is commonly taken as an insult, it's also commonly taken the wrong way. To be amateur within a field, is to do it for pleasure and not for monetary gain. This is commonly attributed with a lack of skill, which in a professional field might be an insult, but it helps Zumbi Blocks. The visuals are all completely smooth-shaded and low poly, yet the guns are much higher poly. The guns all have weirdly chosen and commonly inaccurate names along with the inaccurate design. Despite this all, I find it extremely charming. This is a charmingly amateur game that captures that child-like and unprofessional fun you can only get so much of these days. The visuals tell this so good I wouldn't have it any other way.
Now moving along to the unimportant, it's pretty boring in places. The buildings are mostly empty, single shaded boxes with an inside, some doorways, and windows. As I stated however, I don't care. They're buildings in an incomplete game. The clear focus was gameplay and entertainment, not being flashy and competitive with other titles, therefor unimportant.
Now the important things, the zombies. The zombies in Zumbi Blocks look completely mindless. No mouth, open rectangular eyes that stare forward at all times even after death. There is nothing to gather from it other than void. These things just lumber at you slowly and tick away your health until you die, nothing more nothing less. They also stand almost a foot higher than the player which has you looking up at them which feels quite intimidating.

-- Zumbi Blocks 2 Visuals--
As boring and unoriginal as the gameplay. They look angry, they look violent, but they are entirely senile. We got the fast ones, the crawling ones, the slow ones, the big ones, the... Zzzzzz...
Game asset store looking visuals if you searched "Low-Poly" and "Suburban", I don't care enough to detail any further.
The game is in third-person so close encounters feel a lot less claustrophobic due to how quick they swap around places by dashing.
No real darkness to threaten our seeing, wouldn't matter anyways since it's impossible for a zombie to be sneaky.
It's just more polygons and nothing more.

Don't create something new if the original was simplistic and fun. It would've been easier to recreate what was already developed and move from there. You've had to've heard it before that less can mean a lot more. Zumbi Blocks was that exactly, a little for quite a lot. Zumbi Blocks 2 is the opposite, a lot for quite little. Ask anyone who has experience with the original, which do they prefer? Would they rather want a respectful homage to a game they like, or a completely different game with a slightly similar visual style?

Best of luck, but in my opinion this game is extremely misguided. I hope you take my words into consideration.


Oh come on dude, Just dont play this game if you dont like it.  

In my opinion the developer is still working on this game. While its still buggy and in alpha phase. I have to believe that the game will look much better in the final version. As he described that he is working pretty hard. So i dont think that its that bad. I get it that some people dont like these types of games but you are a different type of person. 

Breaking down each thing of the game while its in its alpha phase. I hope you dont find this offensive. For me , This game is pretty good except the bugs and alpha version. I got high hopes for this game.

i am bug in this game and the lag

(1 edit)

I think if the Roll had i-frames it would be good for dodging some attacks of the zumbi queen and riot shield zumbi


I have some suggestions

Make ragdoll physics improved

Save and load feature(i keep loosing progress every time i die or qiut the game)

If you have some free time,make the following weapons


Some attachments




Sawn off shot gungun

Now some utilities

Flashlight(can also be used as attachments)

Matches and pieces of wood

And a starting weapon"knife"

Thats all but i have alot of ideas

Cuz i felt but that you might be tired of working


good game man!


Such a good game, it's getting better each update it's recieving. 

Keep up the good work!




this has been abandoned,  what a shame


the game is not abandoned. check discord

(1 edit) (+1)(-3)

it's not abandoned, how about checking first before commenting dumb stuff?


it's been so long


Since I last have seen my son lost to this monster
To the man behind the slaughter

Since youve been gone ive been singing this stupid song so i can ponder the sanity of your mother


The main problem I see with the game is the fact that the game becomes unplayable after 30-40 minutes of playing. It's constantly night and zombies keep respawning and attacking you and it's a crazy amount of them, you can't loot anything and you can't hide either because they know your location. 

Same here, i usually leave the game and start a new one.


Hola AdrianKS!

Hace mucho que jugaba Zumbi Blocks 1 y hace poco me enteré de la secuela,increíble!!

Bueno ya que todos dejan sus sugerencias supongo que lo haré también.

1-Intentar hacer lo posible para que se puedan jugar servidores de todo el mundo (soy de Argentina)

2-Por lo menos 1 vehículo como un auto policial pero que si lo usas a consecuencia haces mas ruido y atraes mas zombies.

Por ahora no se me ocurre nada jaja


Notícias sobre um possível update? Talvez uma previsão... Ficarei feliz em saber! Boa sorte com o retorno do projeto. Sou uma das pessoas que você marcou a infância com o jogo anterior.




Impatient to see this game on steam :)


Hi, I have read your previous replies and understand that you have a lot of work and you have a hard time finding the time to do this project, but can I give you an approximate date for the next update? I would really like you to improve the balance of the game a little because, for example, the constant rebirth of opponents and the inability to shelter or kill opponents on a regular basis makes the game unplayable after 40 minutes, I really like this project and I have been a fan of Zumbi blocks for years, I am happy that I recently discovered the second part, Even though it's barely early alpha I'm having a great time now, Regards :)


how can i fix "An abnormal situation has occurred: the PlayerLoop internal function has been called recursively. Please contact Customer Support with a sample project so that we can reproduce the problem and troubleshoot it."


melhor jogo que ja joguei e conheçi na minha vida!


1- colocar na steam

2- personalizaçao de personagem

3- criaçao de conta para nao perder o progresso

4- colocar pelo menos 1 tipo de veiculo

5- novas armas

6- lista de servidores para entrar

7- variasçoes de zumbis comuns com oculos ou outras roupas

(2 edits) (+1)(-1)

Primeiramente muito obrigado por dedicar seu tempo ao jogo, muita gente joga e se diverte com sua criação! Gostaria de saber se você pensa em adicionar uma loja de armas e um sistema de dinheiro como na primeira edição desse game.


Hey Adrianks! I used to play the og games back in the day but to this day it's still fun but maybe you should add cheat commands? I mean it's fun without them but for me it's hard and maybe an shop like the older games that you get coins for killing zombies i know you are busy but i will wait gladly :D

If you know how to use cheat engine then you can hack any game. Dont judge me but i also use cheat engine sometimes, 

With cheat engine  you can select  

-How much health you want. 

-How much ammo you want. 

-How much bullets you want in a single magazine. 

and much more.  

If you want to learn how to use cheat engine its very simple just watch a youtube video using cheat engine in any game and apply it to your game. It should work.


i make a video about your guns 

(1 edit) (+2)(-1)

1.Please put Hip-Fire in Third-Person mode

2.Stop respawning zombies

3.Add metal door zombies can't break the metal door should be able to pause in single player not multi player


Those are good suggestions. Except for "Stop respawning zombies" :D


Because when i saw zombies respawn and coming out from the ground i felt its pointless killing them because they just keep coming (and repeatedly respawning) so i did the stealth as possible approach where just loot and focus on the bosses and also i don't like the rising difficulty

I definitely agree with it, I prefer the solution in the style of the first part, i.e. the incoming waves of opponents, after all, the constant crowd of opponents makes me unable to play normally, but I run in circles from a huge horde, you have to balance it somehow :)

I really liked this game where you had to shoot the brain to kill 

It was around the same time I played the OG Zumbi Blocks and sadly this game got turned into an Unreal game with a different artstyle and died out.

o jogo é bom, mas vcs  poderia adicionar mais coisas, por exemplo, mais arma, mais carros, mais granadas, ameii muito o jogo!!


This Game is Awesome!

One Thing: Can you mabie add an option to change the Name?


I need to add a better way of changing your name. Currently the only way to change your name is by pressing F1 and typing the command "name BlackBlocky" (or whatever name you wanna choose)

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