Alpha 7 — Neighborhood Expansion and Time of Day Settings

The highlight feature of this update is the expansion of the neighborhood. The area beyond the bridge has been expanded to feature more houses to streak around. This expansion also provides more people to avoid on your run. It can be risky to cross the bridge, but there are other ways to cross the canal.

The scenario creator has also received a second pass to expand upon its capabilities. It is still a work-in-progress, however the scenario creator now has options to adjust time of day settings, including the option to change the time of the scenario, along with the duration of the scenario and day-night cycle length. Additionally, the time limit can now be disabled to give you true free-roam of the environment!

I apologize for the lack of updates the past few months. I had been keeping busy working on various side projects that, while none reached a releasable state, allowed me to experiment with many new things that I can bring back to Roshutsu.

Special thanks to my patrons who have stood by me despite my apparent inactivity. I am still very much active on my Discord server and on Twitter if you would like to stay in touch with development. I plan to get back into the groove of monthly updates after being away from Roshutsu for so long. Please consider supporting the game on Patreon and thank you again for your support!


  • Expanded the neighborhood environment with additional houses beyond the bridge. The new area is a work-in-progress and missing some details, however it is integrated with the game. Additional NPCs will patrol the area with new locations to find your clothes and house key, along with new areas to streak in.
  • Added the ability to set the start and end times of the scenario. The time limit between the start and end times can be adjusted or disabled entirely. If disabled, you can adjust the how long a day-night cycle is in real-time minutes.
  • Rework the scenario creator to allow for more options. Only the scenario tab is accessible at the moment, however the other tabs will be added in future versions.
  • Fix NPC path finding to prevent them from getting stuck on each other.
  • Remove streaking areas, clothing spawns, key spawns, and NPCs from the upper area. The area is still accessible, however there is nothing of value in the area anymore.
  • Rework the in-game Patreon credits to better display the ever-growing list of patrons.
  • Added a small light to Rika to help light up the nearby environment to make it slightly easier for players to see.
  • Adjusted Rika's material, removing her outline and changing her shading.
  • Add points for streaking. The more undressed Rika is, the more score is awarded.
  • Add requirement to be in underwear or less to begin masturbating.

Files 340 MB
Version 9 Dec 17, 2021

Get Roshutsu | 露出


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Thrilled to see an update from you. Even in an alpha state, this project shows so much potential and I'm very excited to see what's in store for the future. Glad to hear you're doing alright, too.


Welcome back! 


Eyy a new update, finally yay

(2 edits) (+1)

Bug report: Character gets stuck when trying to walk into this path (close to the start):

Nice to hear that you are still alive. Hope to see an update with more gameplay next.


I have yet to play it but I am so excited, thank you so much!!!


Very happy with the bigger neighborhood & time limit controls.  Having to strip down to get the good stuff is really fun.  Definitely looking forward more in 2022!  Thank you!


Thank you for the amazing update!


Welcome back! Glad you're still working on the game, thank you so much for the update!