Weekly Roundup - Week 28 - Gecko CG & SFX + Getting Our Second Jab!

Art Packs

Sketch Packs

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Hi everyone!

CG Progress

The CG set for the gecko is almost finished. I have to make one more variation and polish the background a bit and it’ll be done!

The outline for the story to go along with it has also been outlined and drafted.

Gecko SFX done!

Our sound designer Moon Mink ( https://twitter.com/moon_mink ) has wrapped up work on the sound effects for the gecko and Null is adding them to the game.

With all of that coming together, the new build is shaping up nicely!

Getting our second jab tomorrow

We’re also getting our second vaccination tomorrow! It will be a different vaccine from the first one and my doctor said the side effects might be even worse than the first time. Hopefully we will be spared, but in case it does hit us, productivity might take a dip this coming week.

Stay safe+sound,
Cookie & Bunny

Get The Adventures of Kincaid (18+)


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Here's hoping for a quick recovery from any side effects!


Please be safe.
