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(1 edit)

Oi, como você está? Espero que muito bem!
Estou usando seu plugin em um projeto (usando especificamente o RPG Maker MV), mas a janela por alguma razão não muda, por obséquio gostaria de pedir por favor pela vossa ajuda, pois tenho certeza que coloquei algo errado ou esqueci de algo mesmo lendo suas instruções.


O comando de plugin me parece certo. Você precisa ter certeza que o nome da janela(window) que você quer mudar é "WindowK". Lembre-se que letras maiúsculas e minúsculas fazem diferença.

Você também precisa estar usando o Eli Book em algum lugar acima de todos os Eli plugins no seu plugin manager. 

Agora, outra coisa é que essa janela parece ser de um plugin customizado. Desta forma pode haver um conflito entre eles. Se nada do que eu disse acima funcionar, envie-me um projeto de amostra, replicando o erro, para que eu possa dar uma olhada.

(1 edit)

It does not work for me. I have EliBook (v5.4.10) core and below WindowSkin (v5.1.0) in the list of plugins. The console shows this.  

Hi there!

This is probably a plugin parameter issue. Open the plugin on the plugin manager and see if you have filled all parameters properly: Double click on them and see if they are properly configured.

Is it possible to get a version compatible with visual stella Option Core that has a UI option to change window skin? I'd be willing to pay like 20$ for this!

Hi there!

I can't guarantee that it will work on Visustella because they have obfuscated code. But in the comment below yours, someone already asked for a way to change window skin through the options scene.

So, I will implement it. If you are not in a hurry, you can wait and I will do that. But if you are in a hurry, we can discuss that but I will only be free on Tuesday.

Whatever works! I appreciate the reply!

Nice! I let you know when I've done this.

Hey, I'd be willing to drop like 20$ to get the option added to the options. my project is coming along faster than I thought and I think this would be a wonderful inclusion.

Deleted 2 years ago

Say is there a way to select a different window skin in the options menu as a UI option? Cuz it'd be cool to have different window flavors like in Pokemon.

Hi there! 

I can add this on the next update!  Thanks for your suggestion ^^

Hi there!

I have added this feature to this new version! Thanks for the suggestion! ^^


Thank you

Hi there, what is exactly plugin command to change window skin on MV? I try like on the picture but it not working

Hi there!

I'm so sorry, I'm taking a look at the help file and it seems I did not put them there. I will fix this.

The plugin commands for MV are the following:

  • WindowSkin [window file] [window name] - Will change the skin from a specific window.
  • SceneSkin [window file] [scene name] - Change the skins for the windows available on that specific scene.
  • AllSkin [window file] - Change all window skins for all windows on the game.


  • WindowSkin Window3 Window_Help 
  • SceneSkin Window2 Scene_Item
  • AllSkin Window2

Hello Hakuen! First off thank you so much for creating and sharing this with others! I'm having an issue where I get the error: 

Cannot read property 'createParameters' of undefined

I saw someone else having this issue on one of your other plugins so I was hoping that maybe it's an easy fix. I can't wait to use your plugin, my game making awaits. ♥


HI there!

Thanks for the compliments!! 😇

Yes I believe it is an easy fix! You need to download my core plugin "Eli Book". And put above all my plugins on the plugin manager.

(1 edit) (+1)

Oh goodness, it was my fault then! I didn't realize I needed that. It works perfectly now, thank you and you're most welcomed. ♥ Hope you have a wonderful day Hakuen!

Deleted 2 years ago

Thanks!!! Glad you liked! :D

For messages, are there any plans to add a feature to change the name box skin separately from the rest of the message? So that the message window and the attached name window would use different skins?

Hi there!

It already has this feature. You can use the plugin parameter to set a different skin on the Window_NameBox or use a plugin command:

Oh goodness I am so sorry, I could have sworn I looked over everything to make sure it wasn't there? I must be blind

Thank you for your reply nonetheless!

I think I figured out what happened. It looks like the plugin instructions don't include the Window_NameBox in the list of default windows you provided. It has Window_NameEdit and Window_NameInput, but not Window_NameBox. So I incorrectly assumed that it was not a feature since nameboxes are attached to normal windows

Oh, thanks for that! I will include it on the help file!

Glad it worked! ^^

I have an issue with it. After using plugin command to change window skin, it doesn't change the skin for message boxes and choice boxes until a player opens inventory.

Hi there!

thanks for the report, I fixed this. Please download the new version 2.0.1 ^^