Jessika's Diary #15 - October Development Update

Hello everyone, 

 Welcome to the latest Jessika’s Diary. Despite the fact it has been a bit quiet around here lately, we have been hard at work as always, and we would like to thank you for your patience as we work on getting the release ready. The good news is that is it 95% done now, all the assets are finished, most of the coding has been done, and now all that is left is polishing and testing. If everything goes well with testing, we are hoping to release the new version next month.

We’ll be making a full changelist at time of release, but he is a short summary of what you’ll find in our new version: 

- 2 new characters

 - 2 new enemies 

- 2 new town locations with corresponding NPCs 

- 2 new quests 

- 2 new Wyldwoods nodes 

- 4 new objects of interest added to the Wyldwoods

 - Improved VN scripting to allow me to add story scenes while JRX works on other things 

- a new equipment system for accessories

 - over 30 new sex animations

Once this release is done, we will start focusing on improving the gameplay loop, as well as implementing the game’s story, but this will be discussed in more detail after the release. Until then, we will be focusing on squashing every last bug we can find, in order to make this release as smooth as possible.

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I guess you guys are big fans of Fritz Leiber? I haven't seen that mentioned anywhere, but I could have missed it. Regardless, looking forward to the full release!

y'all went real quiet after this...

(1 edit) (+2)

We literally have a new build ,posted at patreon , last week, being tested for bugs. So far, we're accumulating bug reports and cleaning the game out.

Ah, im relieved then. 

Be sure to keep your wider community informed aswell please <3 

(by putting out updates on or other sites)


We'll be posting a public build once we give the game more content and polishing. Right now, we're getting feedbacks and planning on new additional materials moving forward. :)

That said, we'll be posting new devblog on where we are in development. :)



What about equipment upgrade?