Socially Awkward 0.14.1

I just want to tell everyone is that I'm currently on vacation. 

I'll resume working on the first day of november .3.b 

This update (PC) only contains bug ( Past-Jayce sprite disappearing.) and grammar fixes and a bit of compression in the music.  A little experiment in order to lessen the game size, hopefully there's no difference.

Oh and a itsy bitsy tiny little update on Tom's route. May subject to change depending on how well it fits.

Hope you guys are doing great this month .3./ and remember to wash your hands AFTER YOU TAKE A PISS!! OCO *recently been in a mall and saw people doing it*

Files 242 MB
Oct 23, 2020

Get Socially Awkward


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Umm, I'm kinda new here and I'm interested in playing the game but when I'm going to download the game but then I noticed that I'm downloading the 1.4.1v. and I'm wondering if  version 1.4.1 has what version's 0.0.5 to 1.4.0 has.


It's just a quick bug fix.

so i assume this means that the well done steak will not become an actual option?

I don't think so. It might just stay as a joke or leave them hating you. Either way you should eat cheap.

well you need to eat expensive for the rout i am on