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2D PrincessView game page

Thank you but our princess is in another dimension!
Submitted by Satinel — 1 hour, 17 minutes before the deadline
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Ranked from 95 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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3D Models by Quaternius Music Awakening by KELLEPICS Resonant Victory by GeoffreyBurch Sound effects: Pop, Low, A (H1) InspectorJ InspectorJ Door, Front, Opening, A Spiketrap Deathscyp Factory Angry Grunt Rocotilos Whoosh qubodup

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What a cool concept! I really enjoyed this game. Great stuff.


Thank you very much!


Nice idea. Reminds me of Link Between Worlds 


Thank you for playing! :D


I didn't get lost, I just explored many times in the same direction. Nice idea. 


Thank you for playing! You're never lost as long as you don't give up! :D


I loved this game. I love games that mix 2d and 3d elements already but I thought your game was pretty clever. I did have some bugginess with the mouse even in full screen mode but it wasn't unplayable. Great Work!


Thank you for playing! I'm sorry for the mouse bugs but I'm glad it was at least still playable for you.


No worries- my game has bugs too! It's after all, only a 10 day jam. AAA studios manage to launch with bugs after years long development cycles and hundreds to thousands of employees. Let's cut ourselves some slack right? hah


You do have a point. :D


Loved this game. Fun game play, nice music and interesting mechanics. Loved the framed picture humour too!


Thank you for playing and I'm glad you enjoyed it! :D


wow secret area hidden hearts, shortcuts, camera could use some tweaking but really good game


Thank you for playing! I am very sorry about the camera, it needs a lot of attention still.


I loved this! Can't believe how much you got done as a team of one!  Really impressed that you had secret areas and shortcuts on top of everything else. Did find myself stuck at the first hurdle (the gate) for a long time, so maybe a few more environmental hints at where the gap is would've helped, but I'm nitpicking.

Great work!


Thank you for playing, I'm glad you liked it! :D

It's perfectly fine to nitpick, feedback like this is very useful so thank you! A lot of the gaps that the player needs to find should have had some stronger indicators, especially the early level ones.


Loved the game idea! I made it out of bounds in level 2 lol. Fell forever. The sound effect of goung back to 3d was priceless. POP.


Thank you for playing! Sorry for the out of bounds area in level 2, that will be fixed once the jam ends. And I'm glad you enjoyed the sound effect! :)


Really fun idea!  I like the 2d mechanic.


Thank you for playing! :D


I'm a fan of this interpretation of the theme (it's unique in the games I've come across so far). These sort of 3D games give me motion sickness so it was a bit of a battle between that and my desire to explore more :) I genuinely enjoyed exploring and looking for gaps. For movement I ended up using a combination of the game controller and mouse to look around. Originally it felt a bit like my squashed down princess should be able to get under the gates - it was the first thing I tried because her body is less width than the hole between the bars. Then I turned around and learnt what I should do. I got the thought that more dynamic/flickering lighting may help make some of the gaps a bit more noticeable as the light would change a bit differently. But you may or may not want to do that given the balance in the game is the finding of where to go - it might make it too easy. But good game. I don't think I got anywhere near the end of the game but I also wonder why she didn't ask the guard for an envelope and a stamp then flatten herself and post herself home :)


Thank you for playing and such a detailed response! I also love your idea of sending herself home through the mail! 😄

I'm really sorry for the motion sickness, I tweaked the follow camera a lot to try and help with that but I definitely need to learn a lot more about settings which prevent that when possible.

I'm not sure how to do flickering lighting in Unity, there's a lot to the lighting system that I don't grasp yet and I want to learn more about that. I do agree that making every gap obvious would take away from the gameplay, but I feel over all that I could improve on guiding the player in the right direction. If I had time to put more secrets into the game, I could make those areas harder to spot while the gaps needed to progress to the end of the level aren't quite as hidden.


Oh it's like every game that's 3D that gives me motion sickness if the camera moves. Nothing to do with your game, just me and my stupid brain being overly sensitive.

You can put a script on a light in Unity and use it to adjust the intensity (or other settings). I've not tried it but something like this , if it's a path you want to go down. 


Thank you for the link, I'll check it out! :)

I understand that some people have a lot of problems with motion sickness depending on the type of game, I still would like to be able to lessen that feeling for as many people as possible if I can. I was getting motion sickness myself when I first set up the camera, tweaking a few values in cinemachine helped with that for me. Even if I can't remove the effect for everyone, if I can make it a little better for anyone then it's worth looking into.


I love this idea!! Completely different take on the 2 dimensions that im sure a lot of people never even thought about, seemed like a really unique idea. Only issue I had was with the mouse, sometimes I would move it slightly and it would spin the camera around crazy. 


Thank you for playing! If you don't mind, can you tell me which version you played, and if it's the web version which browser you used? There have been issues playing it in Firefox that I know of, it would be super helpful to know if there are issues in other browsers as well.


Hey, It was the web version and I played it using Edge 


Thank you so much for letting me know! :)


I love how the game looks and sounds. The camera angle can be a bit weird at times. I love the mechanic. Love how you could hide in the painting and under the rug. It's a bit hard to find where you have to go next.

In the final level, I flattened vertically against the door to the cell with the heart and unflattened, that cause me to teleport into the cell.

Overall, great game.


Thank you for playing! And getting to the end where you found a new bug! I'm glad the cell you got teleported into was one with an exit, I definitely have to check that out.

And, as I say to most people, sorry for the camera's weirdness!


I thought the idea was pretty interesting.  The mechanics are cool and all, but I found having to search for the openings more annoying than fun due to the camera.  There's one opening that I missed I think in the 3rd level, so I ended up outside of the castle by going behind the stairs and finding a heart underneath it.  There was an opening in the back which took you outside and I fell forever.  I was able to restart the level to get back.  I had made it past the guards twice and searched all over because the opening was on the far left where I had already search but I guess missed it due to the camera angle.  Overall the game was pretty fun.


Thank you for playing! I'm sorry for the difficulties, adding a huge staircase at the start of the level ended up causing a ton of unexpected problems, including going outside of the intended playing area. The one gap you had trouble finding has been a sticking point for many people as well, thank you for mentioning it. :)


Brilliant use of the theme! And expertly executed as well, super smooth. Very much enjoyed your submission, well done.

I guess if I were to critique I'd have to mention the level design a little bit. It was tricky figuring out where to go and finding those tiny vertical cracks in already multifaceted walls was sometimes an unnecessary challenge. That would have been perfect for secrets maybe, but the main path could have had used some kind of indication, even a little bit of color would have done the trick. Things like the button on the first level opening both gates also could have had some kind of indication that it was opening the exit gate too, perhaps even a window so you could see down there.

Thanks for making this excellent little project!


Thank you for playing! I hoped that switching the camera to show one gate opening would be a good indicator to the player that it worked on the other gate as well, I totally understand why that wouldn't necessarily be the case though.

The difficulty finding cracks to get through is a common and deserved critique, I genuinely appreciate you mentioning it as well. (At this point it might even be a bigger issue than the janky camera, but both of those things are for sure needing attention!)


Genuinely really enjoyed this! Very creative concept and well implemented, and I enjoyed the little touches of charm like how you can enter the paintings(?) on the walls. Reminds me of the Link Between Worlds zelda game on 3ds. 

Some creative level design ideas, too - I really loved going under the carpets to evade the guards!

One suggestion I have is that if the gameplay is all about noticing tiny gaps, the object and wall graphics need to be simple enough that it's clear what's supposed to be a gap and what's not - sometimes I found small gaps in the brick walls that looked identical to ones you could actually go under, but they were probably unintentional as you couldn't pass through them haha. Maybe if you developed it further you could add unique "crack" textures/modelling to make the cracks/gaps a little clearer?

I also found the sound effects pretty funny - although the guard alert sound literally made me jump the first time it played ahahah.


Thank you for playing and for the feedback! Making it clear which areas are passable and which aren't is for sure something I need to focus on improving, having a more uniform wall design would surely help with that.

Sorry for the jump scare! I had all of the guard's noises playing through the same audio source at first and the alert noise was noticeably quieter than the others. At first I tried setting the volume in code but eventually moved that one effect to a different component entirely and probably over emphasized it as a result.


Oh man, this was actually such a cool game. I loved a lot about it, but I do have three critiques:

One, I initially passed over this game a few times because the cover image didn't really grab me. Maybe it's just me, take that with a grain of salt.

Two, I think my biggest complaint while playing the game would be the camera controls. They were mostly alright, but some of the behavior felt clunky and difficult. I didn't like that I couldn't look up while flat on the floor (though admittedly it makes sense lol), and the way the camera "collided" with the walls and stuff made it difficult to see what I was doing while navigating tight spaces. In a game about navigating tight spaces, I'd consider polishing that if possible.

Three, I really wish you played the main menu music in the actual game, maybe on the final level (or heck, all the levels). It's so epic and cool, and I only got to hear 5 seconds of it.

But overall, I think this is an innovative and fun mechanic, and I love that way it's executed! I think you've got a really special game here. Awesome job!


Thank you for playing and the indepth comments, I really appreciate it!

There are things I like about the cover image and things I don't, I won't pretend that I'm much of a graphical designer. It should probably be reworked to show what the game is actually like, I'll have to think about that.

The camera is definitely something which needs work, I'm really sorry for how janky it can get! I knew going into this type of game that it was going to be trouble but I couldn't find solutions while making the game, I have a few ideas now that I'll try to implement once the review period is done. :)

That song is really nice! I had a final level I'd wanted to make and ran out of time for, and after that I could have made a credits scroll or something to reuse it.


Wow what a cool mechanic! And it works so well! I enjoyed it so much I played till the end. I was stuck on level 3 for awhile, that spot under the boxes was hard to spot. I think you should consider adding some visual cues to the cracks in the walls, maybe give them a colored outline? or maybe an effect that looks like light is coming through? They're sometimes really difficult to find against the wall. I also really enjoyed the art around the castle! Gave me a good laugh. Great game!


Thank you for playing all the way through!! :) I definitely need to work on learning how to lights work in Unity and use that to help draw the player's eye to the right areas. I've been thinking over ways to make the cracks and gaps highlighted for when players get stuck, probably with an optional item or ability.


This game is really charming. Reminds me of Flat Stanley. I chuckled a lot hearing the "pop" when you turn back into 3d. Cool puzzles too. Nice work!


Thank you for playing and commenting! :D


Hey, this is really cool. Looks like we had a similar idea around squishing the character, but approached it in very different ways.

Everything about the game has charm, from the character model, the sound effects, the music. When I first saw a picture frame, I was wondering if I could interact with it and was not disappointed. Loved that little touch. Also enjoyed that there were areas where you could do shortcuts with the powers.


Thank you for playing! :) I'm surprised there haven't been more games which approached the theme the way we did it.


I enjoyed this and I really liked the idea of changing shape to get out the rooms. It took me a while a few times to find the spots I needed to try and squeeze through but that was part of the fun. Nice choice of music selections and very aptly placed sound effects, especially for the guards. Great job.


Thank you very much! I'm glad you had fun finding the ways forward. :)

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