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I was attracted to the game at the first plot point.
The cells during the game, the exhilarating and psychedelic space afterwards, and the meaty fresh zone afterwards, all had a very good atmosphere and I was enthusiastic about it!
It was so much fun, nya~!


Awesome, thank you for playing the game! I really enjoyed watching your play-through.


(Your game begins at 0:33:36)

Drifter had a delightfully mean and at times surreal take on the prompt. These are truly "alien" creatures you see and interact with, and I do like the sheer catharsis of the choice made by the end.

The game, however, is largely just dialogue with a wee bit of movement. This is understandable for a Jam game, naturally, but for such a cool idea, it'd be a lot more fun to actually get to ACTIVELY get some justice for what has been going on for you.

Still, I liked the idea of involving some kind of evil shadow government / alien cult in this. Very cool stuff and very distinct.

Thank you for playing! Glad you enjoyed it


Very good game


Nice! Thanks for posting a play through :)


awesome.  I enjoyed watching your playthru 🙏


nice jobs


Hell yeah. Thanks for posting a play through!

awesome! thanks for sharing


This was weird and interesting game and game looks good so far but I really liked a lot and both ending really good well done keep it up!


Thanks for checking it out! Glad you liked it