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Had a little bit of trouble getting to grips with the acceleration at first, but once I did I managed to get pretty far before dying. Think the UFOs were a nice addition as a smaller target that rewards more points. Also, it was a good call not to make the firing automatic as it would have removed a lot of the skill from the game and made it less engaging.

Feels solid, and you didn't go crazy adding way more than you needed. I like the movement; I know it's not "realistic" but I always like friction in space games like this. Great work! 

My high score was 7450! It took me a bit to get used to the thrusters and even then I was flying! Honestly, all my death's were caused by me flinging myself into the unknown and slamming into an asteroid haha. Despite that, I enjoyed the movement. On a bigger map, I would obsess over the perfect fast spins and drifts. Asteroid Racing game, anyone?

This is great! Moving the ship around feels great! Stopping development before over-scoping is never easy, it is one of those lessons we all have to keep learning. If you ever get to continue working on this, I feel there is one thing that is more important than the rest of the todo list: have not only the ships, but the bullets that are shot off the screen reappear in the other side. Loving the vector-style graphics by the way! Keep it up Charles!