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looks promising but the control scheme is kinda wack


Honestly, I agree.


Plus I have an inability to not act on criticism, so look out for an updated control scheme, like, tomorrow.

(2 edits) (+2)

Definitely good game:)  Don't hesitate...just download and give it a shot

best 3D NFSW game I've ever played

(btw still wondering how to save the game(especially those finished requests..they just keep refreshing) and I lose all the suits gained from gacha everytime I shut the game...)

Hey thanks for playing! If you want to troubleshoot the save game, shoot me a pm or a discord message!

how do i finish the scene with the tapes and how do i get the jetpack?


just climb up the tower and get the tape bro

i get an error while trying to install the game

I don't recognize the platform you're using. Currently we only build for windows. What am I looking at here?

it is windows

did a little research, I didn't even know itch had a windows app, but you may just need to grab the zip from the website!

so what platform is the game built for?

windows, but we don't support any sort of launcher provided by itch. Downloads can be downloaded in a zip format from

oh ok thank you, and could you drop the discord link

(1 edit) (+1)

This game is really good, it insentivises exploration and I don't know how many times I've stopped in the middle of the ocean just to pick up a box from the ocean. It's a little rough around the edges but for a game still in development it's really good. My game dose seem to studder a bit but I assume that's an issue on my end. Another thing I'm strugleing with is the controls, I don't know what keys do what and I sometimes also don't get promps to do actions, an example is up in the hotspring I did the quest but I assume there's a promp to do something but nothing pops up. other then that this is a really great game, keep up the great work and sorry for the long comment. :)

Hey! Thanks for the feedback! We've been looking to make things clearer, and quests and controls are a big part of that! Currently the quests are very short and really more of a stand in for the SFW version as most quests end in a NSFW scene!


The discord link doesnt work could we get a new one?

Thanks for the heads up! Description is updated with this!->


Bro I was here since nsfw update and i see how much you worked to create this masterpiece. This game is unic, i don't know why but there is no nsfw game that feels better to play than this. Just know that your work will pay off for sure, any gut that have a taste will give anything to play the last version of this. btw i'm now american so there may be errors in this text. Thank you for working so hard for us❤️


Wow, thanks man! We've spent a lot of time to try to make something different, and it's a huge payoff to see someone think the same! This is the stuff that keeps us going!


Keep up the good work mate.

Thanks my guy.

(1 edit) (+1)

I have a question how do i make the girl naked??

equip the pink overalls and jump in the water, there's a shader I'm having issues with. Or, create a transparent png and add it to the custom costumes!


Oh shit, right, or sub to our Patreon!


This actually feel really good already for how early it is! You start off as this clumsy little booby creature and when it isn't tumbling head over heels down a ladder, it's walking around with this really slow and heavy gait that kind of makes everything jump a little too much. But it works because you're enjoying yourself and it adds novelty and character to the little horny cartoon. Like it was charming to watch my character mess up a dodge roll and get up with her outfit covered in dirt.

Plus, when you want to stop controlling like 4'9" of solid T&A, you can press V to fly around. I don't know if this intended to make it to the final project, but it was surprisingly smooth and I found myself just gliding around the banks of a lake just vibing.

That map though, WHEW. I think it would be hard for a lot of studios to fill that much space. Like 90% of all studios would struggle. You know how I was talking about the weighty walking earlier? It makes the jiggle physics nice but it makes even 100 feet feel like a little jaunt. You could honestly just take one of those lakes up to the surrounding hills and make that your entire world and it would still feel big. Like if you don't allow swimming or flying for parcel delivery, then just going from one side of the lake to the other would be a whole dang task, especially with tumblerella here lol. 

Overall, really neat and impressive! Whoever is working on the outfits, you have great taste. I think this will do really well when it comes just a little more into focus, and I hope to see more of it down the road!

Holy shit man, this brought a tear to my eye. This is literally everything that we've been shooting for. Thanks so much, seriously. If you follow our free tier Patreon and send us a message, we'll hook you up with the newest NSFW build, as I will be printing out this comment.

how do i get to the floating island i try the cannon but i feel like it never shoots me far at all no matter what angle i try

You should try pressing F after the cannon fires you!

hello you're game is really good but a main menu may be better for the game 👍


We'll be adding saves, main menu, and other qol stuff with our next release!

file is corrupt for me, not sure wh


Game is looking great so far. Would personally love to see some more NSFW stuff. 

Do patron members get any in game benefits?


Our next update will be our first intro into NSFW content, our current model is to release the bulk of NSFW content to patrons exclusively while maintaining a free to play version here!


Bring a version for Android please man

Deleted 179 days ago

At this point I don't believe the performance is there, however, we do plan to make some changes to the terrain that may give us some wiggle room to port this to Android!


Thank you very much. I wish you all success!


Looks fun


This game looks really interesting!

I know there's boobs, but are there any sex scenes?


Currently, (I think) all nudity has been scrubbed from this build. We have some fairly fleshed-out systems for a number of interactions, and we're hoping to test-drive some more nsfw content in the coming days in v0.0.2. We hope to use feedback here to shape just how far we jump into the horny end of the pool!


beauty prototype

Thanks for giving the game a shot! Any feedback is always appreciated!


boobs 😍😍😍


Boobs! 😍😍😍


I've kept up with the development of this game since early on. Initially I was impressed with the concept, but I'm even more intrigued by the depth of the environment.

There are so many ways to play the game, but it holds the thread of the character so well. I could absolutely see this becoming an ever-expanding platform for other story lines, in-game games, etc. Really impressed with how the environment enables what seems like a really great codebase.

If you haven't played it, just open it up and explore. You'll find that you can spend hours and still not reach the edges of the environment or explore every thread. Can't wait to see where this goes from here!