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The ui reminds me  of degress of lewdity (dont even think of searching it if youre not 18÷) didn know it was... whats the name again? Gaming engine? Whatever, the ui got me interested so have a good night, todays my wifi gonna die so i cant review it after this

(3 edits) (+1)

No idea what that game is but perhaps its similar to you cuz its using twine (the sugarcube 2 format) since im using that too lol. Sleep well though.

I hope you enjoy the game though. Also dont mind the one billion edits im shitty at talking and forget to write in stuff lmao


found a bug: the ceracter image isn't loading


Well this is weird. Sorry for the bug. Ill look into it.

Is the entire character not loaded in or just some parts like the eyes?


mostly the head details(hair,face,etc)

(1 edit) (+2)

ah thats weird.

Did you download the game on your phone? That seems to cause some issues that i have no idea how to fix. Sometimes it works other times it doesnt.

I shouldve asked earlier if you are on pc or not and if you are playing the web or the downloaded version lol. My bad

(1 edit) (+2)

i was plaing the web version,

on pc btw...


thats weird... ill try to find what the problem is but im not so sure if ill be able to.


Lost me with the world's slowest boar fight.

(3 edits) (+1)

thats fair. thanks for the comment and checking out the game

If you put your points in STR and fight in parties it will be faster. Better gear does more damage too (obviously). The heavy sword does the most damage.

(1 edit) (+2)

hi :o seems inspired to sword art online, i like the idea and the concept :D

(1 edit) (+1)

Glad to know that you like the game :)


good game!

and thanks for commenting on my game, we must support each other among creators xd

(1 edit) (+1)

Ah thank you for checking out my game :)

Good luck on the duckfull clicking... god that joke sucked


if you want to talk to me haha

