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Como puedo avanzar con la historia, como puedo avanzar con sapphire o como puedo avanzar a la zona donde ningúna de las dos quiere entrar? 


el juego aún está en Alpha, hay muchas cosas que son solo placeholders o que no están implementadas todavía, lo más normal es que hayas llegado al límite de las misiones principales, pero también es posible que te falte contenido por ver, la gran mayoría de escenas H que están en el juego son fuera de la historia principal.

Yo quiero saber como encontrar el objeto para que cassiel duerma en la playa sin despertar

Debes haber completado la misión secundaria "Abren Negocios" el npc que está en la Calle Secundaria del Pueblo le venderá a Cassiel las pastillas para dormir.

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Hola, una consulta por si me pueden ayudar. Alguien sabe como se saca el final secreto del evento de Halloween? Por lo que vi hay una ultima escena fuera de la mansión, de las chicas junto con el chico que nos acompaña, pero no logro desbloquearlo. 

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You need the find the necklace, only appears when you got its quest, if I remember well, after completing Cassandra's diary, then finish the event having the necklace in your inventory.

Muchas gracias!


Haverá alguma forma de salvar o jogo durante as cenas H para poder ver novamente dps de acabar? Pq eu acho um pouco triste ter q adivinhar a cena H pra poder salvar antes ou esperar acabar pra salvar oq n adianta nd pois perde oq vc queria ;(  vejo q tem o botão de save abaixo mais o único disponível q funciona e o q vc acessa pelo diário oq n se pode acessar durante as cenas H pfvr se puder faz isso imploro


parece que vai ter uma galeria agora na nova atualização


puxa vida isso realmente alivia mt amg pq tem cenas H onde pra c conseguir elas e na aleatóriedade ou acontece de vc n salvar antes e perder uma cena específica ;(


mais sera q e nessa ou na próxima talvez uma 0.1.2? Tomara


pelo que eu vi no patreon a galeria vem na 1.2 que já lançou pra galera lá, então só esperar lançar a 1.2 pública

Actually, in v0.1.2, you will have access to the Gallery, and even if you avoid a missable H scene, it will be unlocked in the gallery, so since v0.1.2 you will not need so much saves.

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muy bien cada nueva actualización es digna de ser probada, en este caso la 1.1 que trae un evento completo basado en la navidad, de igual manera como se hizo el evento de Halloween.

irremediablemente se siente que hay menos trabajo o menos tiempo de desarrollo detrás de el las escenas son buenísimas como siempre, pero hay cosas detalles como los nuevos atuendos, lascivos, muy buenas ideas pero personalmente me incomoda lo delgada que se ve cassiel con el mismo y lo extraña que se ve la pelusa en las partes nobles de sapphire una corrección por aquí, otra por allá y serian perfectos como los de la actualización de Halloween.

otro detalle es que la actualización de navidad es muy lineal a comparación con la de Halloween cosa que la hace sentir muy corta a pesar de tener mas personajes, además de una oportunidad desperdiciada como la oportunidad de dar una escena completamente lesbica con karen de ahí en mas  pues no tengo grandes quejas.

este proyecto es maravilloso y siempre espero mas de el, cosas como establecer rutas con personajes establecidos y con diseños propios, además de conocer mas sobre la historia estoy seguro que solo es cuestión de tiempo por el momento 9 de 10

were do I go after the incubus teaches cassiel how to use the heart icon

That's the actual limit of the main quests, but there is more side content in general, like side quests or the Halloween and Christmas Special

will this game come to steam?

Sorry, no.

oh well

I defeated the criminal and was given access to the church but I can't enter and interact with it, what do I do?

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Hello, where do I find the last 2 butterflies?


adoro este juego, espero ansioso proximas actualizaciones. La manera de desplazarte por las ubicaciones me parecen algo molestas pero todo lo demas va muy bien, sigan asi.


hello. i have 2 issues, first i can't find the sassafras plant that the entrepreneur needs to complete the quest. secondly after defending the butque owner in the slums i can't find jax even though he says he will be in town

Hello, the plant is in the slums, behind some wood in a wall (Sapphire) 

The other thing, you reached the limit of main quests for now


ah, i see! found it, ty! how do i get the prostitution going? or is that not implemented yet?

Love what you've done so far, but I'd really like to have a Checklist of some sort so I can see if I've done all the scenes yet or not.

A categorized gallery is planned, so you will note which events you are missing or you already watched 

Is there any plans for Yuri contents between the two main girls or something similar?


Hi, yes, I want to add that content in some future, it will have some advice and be optional cuz that content is not liked for everyone. But surely I will add that.


Hello! Are you planning to add pregnancy/impregnation content to the game at any point?


Hi! And yes, It is planned for a bit far future update


Where do I find chicken flavoring?

I can't Unlock more quest

Where can I find Chicken flavoring?

I search the whole town And there nothing

I cant figure out what to do after encountering the demon at the temple

Hi, you reached the limit of the main quests for now

Buenas, alguien sabe como o donde conseguir esta escena? 


Con Sapphire, usando la ropa clásica, en los suburbios de noche, inspecciona las tablas/agujero en la pared

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Ayuda no encuentro a jesseriel

where do i get the beer

At the fridge behind the guy?

The quest memories didn't finish when i find the last butterfly is it normal?

yes, that quest is in development.

ok thanks

Any plan to make a version of the game available for download directly through Itch? Would make handling updates easier.


Ohh! I'm actually not too familiar with itchio, I don't understand the site well yet. That's the reason.

Where can I get the beer for the obeying James quest ?

Nevermind I found it

 Have a other question how to finish the quest memories.                 You do some good work


I can't find Rebecca where can a find her


How much money do i need to buy this outfit?

 i have $104

that is just a placeholder, those 2 outfits aren't available yet


I have $104 but it shows me i'm not complete the "Fortunately, I love money" achievement

ohh! That's a bug, thank you for reporting it, I will fix it for the next udpate


Ayuda no encuentro a Rebecca

Gracias 🥲

any chance for a mac version? 

For aome reason whenever i change the translation in English from Spanish the game crashes, im on androi

maybe is something incompatible with your phone, thousand of users play it on Android without this problem, you are the first one actually.

Im uh, playing on a tablet, I'll give it a try on my phone, thx

How do I do the diamond quest idk were some are I already have 3

as the "known issues" say:
- "Blue Stones" quest can't be completed

ah alr didn't see that

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Are the characters still made with COM3D2?
Looks different compared to the previous game :O

Is this a prequel, btw?

Hi, yes, and yes, the characters are still made with com3d2, but with better mods, and this is a spin-of prequel


Completed all content so far (v0.0.5). Not a bad game at all, but it would be nice for side content chains to be finished before continuing the main story, especially money related ones.

Yea I'm currently stuck and cant get on the train anymore because of that...


Hello, yes, that's a known issue that will be fixed in the next update (0.0.6)


Hey, ! thanks for the new android game! I only just started it, but if you could add higher text box % options and a Load button for the text box, it'd be much appreciated. Review coming later! :D