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No termino de entender el movimiento de obtener información. Que información obtienes? La tienes que inventar de la nada, es información relevante para algo en concreto? Es una mecánica abstracta de puntos de información para obtener algún tipo de beneficio en el juego??

Gracias por comentar en tu propio idioma y disfrutar mi juego. Sí, es una mecánica algo abstracta, pero busca impulsar que te imagines cómo resolver un bloqueo que se enfrenta tu Firelight dentro la ficción. Puedes crear la respuesta a partir de las tablas generadoras. Esta acción trata de emular lo que hacen los videojuegos cuando te encuentras con un bloqueo en el nivel X y necesitas encontrar la "llave" para desbloquear el nivel y seguir tu camino.  Es por eso que está vinculado con la acción "Descubrir una región" y "Buscar tesoros". Buscas "tesoros" para poder "comprar" información valiosa que te lleve a desbloquear la región que tienes bloqueada y continuar tu búsqueda. Nuevamente gracias por escribir y estoy para lo que necesites. :)

La esquina del rol helped me with the translation of this message 😄


I've always loved metroidvania games and playing in this physical form is a wonderful idea, what I've seen of the game is amazing, too bad there aren't more community copies, one of these days I'll buy it when I have money. it's amazing what you've done

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The concept of the game seems so cool that I already bought it! (but haven't played yet xd, I'm waiting to a friend, so we can test it together)

The description says that it's also a co-op game, so
Are there extra rules for that?
Do you need a card deck for each player, or can everyone play with the same?
Does it have a player limit? [edit: it was hard to find, but it says that it's a 7 player game]
Am I gonna be the test subject for this multiplayer feature? xd



Currently, the trifold contains all the rules for solo/co-op play. I'm considering releasing a proper multiplayer module in the future, but I'd say:

  • PLAYER LIMIT: I think 2-3 players would be my personal top. The only thing you might realize is that facing Curses may be too easy with their current Strengths. So don't hesitate to boost that up a bit. Doubling their values should do the trick, I think. (where did you see that "7 player games"? I don't think I've written that anywhere?)
  • DECKS: At first, I thought about a single deck of cards for the whole group, to keep Rests in sync and all. That being said, if we boost the Strengths of Curses, then you might end up running out of cards with a single deck. I'd say go with one deck per player!
  • TEST SUBJECT: You most probably will, ahah! I'm eager to see how it goes, so please don't hesitate to send me an email when you end up playing.

Good luck with those beacons!

Really wished I'd gotten here for the Community Copies.

From the small bits I've seen, I'm enamoured by this! Some of the touchstones are close to my heart, and the RPG system itself looks well done.

Maybe I can convince one of my friends to get it so I can play.

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Hey! So happy you are excited about the game. Just send me a message here and I'll send you a copy 💙 


Arrived too late for the community copies!

So far all I've seen on the socials looks awesome on the storytelling tool side, will be looking into the Creator Kit to dig a bit and come back to comment some more.


I'm planning on adding more community copies soon, but you can also send me a DM on Twitter, and I'll send you one as a little gift!

Thank you so much for the kind words.


Firelights is a simple and sweet game, it allows a solo player the ability to play out their own narrative in a Hollow Knight/Metroidvania style story without drowning in details.

I love it and you should try it!

Thank you so much!