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"magic pistol"


pretty good,but the controls on the keyboard are not the best


Thanks for playing! Sorry about the default controls. You can change the controls via the pause menu by pressing escape and going to “options” -> keyboard controls.


thank you!


i always love a game that lets me rebind


I would say buff banana even if it is quite spammable, it feels kinda hard to use, or maybe it is high skill cap(also it is ONLY better against swarm of at least 3 enemies lol). Sword best spell(high damage and pierce), some reload and ammo slots and it can be spammed a bit, if you are good at dodging then sword can be the go-to with those fast kills

9.5/10 game, the buttons were kinda  messed up and annoying until i found i could change them(and had to read comments to find out btw), maybe you could mention that in tutorial i guess)


I absolutely loved Putrid Shot Ultra, it's minimalistic, fast paced and challenging.

Btw, I made a microreview in spanish of the full version I played on steam. 


You're one of my favorite creators on this site, and I just wanna say I love this game. The controls are pretty good, the final boss is hard but not hard enough to put you off the game, and the limited amount of spells are all pretty cool. Anyway, im gonna put some tips here.

Tip 1: Build your "deck" around a specific weapon type, such as orbital, and frost. Upgrade your chosen weapon type and choose mainly that kind of weapon, along with frost, since most frost spells are just better than the flame ones

Tip 2: Use the dodgeroll ALOT, especially when fighting the final boss's second phase.


During the attack when he flies aboce you, just run from one side to the one side of the arena to the other whilst dodgung. When he comes down jump over the wave and attack him, he's really vulnerable there.

When he starts smashing into the walls, dodge him and be wary of the projectiles spawned when he hits the wall (during the second phase you want to spam dodge roll during this attack since it causes his orbitals to shoot way faster)

When he goes into the middle and spews out projectiles, go under one of the platforms as they will block the projectiles. 

Good Luck!

I'm so glad you enjoyed it! Awesome guide by the way, good tips. The dodgeroll is key to making it past the toughest parts of the game.

Also just a heads up, the full game is out on steam now!


A thing that could make this just a little bit better is if there was a settings button that opened the settings on the title screen, and also a setting that changes the sprites of bullets. I don't think it should be something custom but, (just looked up some references, this was written like 20 mins after ---> ) something like "The Binding of Isaac: Repentance" where the enemy bullets have a slight white aura that flashes 'behind' the bullet, I assume that when the setting is on, enemy bullet sprites are just changed to ones with the animated white aura? (IDK)

Thanks for the feedback, I'll take a look at the binding of isaac setting to see if I can do something similar in my game to improve bullet visibility!


finally beat boss, great demo!

Thanks for playing!

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