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man this is great! i've just played zortch and this looks cool as well, your unique style makes your games worth to play! keep up the good work <


higher fov wouldve been nice i feel really nauseous after playing this


mutantleg check this out remember when you told me in one of your emails about those data.dat files being zip files with everything inside them? I took the chance and updated the cheats.txt file now it includes all test maps (found nothing new in LAB as you told me) as for Zortch there is alot to uncover even the unused weapons have a pickup that can't actually be picked up neat



I should probably include those weapons somehow - like so you could actually select them without cheats ๐Ÿค” (thing is I coded myself into the corner with the weapon system so it's more difficult than it sounds)

(1 edit) (+3)

since when did I become an admin O_o

I love how I went from a simple guy who makes cheat engine cheats for LAB to this loool

(1 edit) (+2)

Hey mutantleg, me and Birds have finished the Mod Menu. Hopefully you can put it here soon too!

Preview video:

Download link (your anti-virus will most likely detect it as a virus, ignore the false flag.):


so far it only gave me this error (might be because I'm on win7?)

(1 edit) (+2)

Hi mutantleg,

Yeah you are right, sorry it was a small faulty coding lol. Try this:

Should hopefully work now.


works great! added it to the page ๐Ÿ‘


Hi mutantleg,

Good to hear that the menu works now.

Some changes have been done to the mod menu today. Here is the new version:

Also a small correction: The mod menu is not a trainer. You might also want to recommend people to get the mod menu instead of the Cheat Engine trainer.


Approved xD


ok I updated it,  anyway I feel it's time to cut the middleman :
I added you both as project admins (you need to accept with the link I sent you first)


insane sneak peak of what's coming soon to all of your games mutantleg it will replace trainers... MOD MENUS!!!




this will make it a lot easier to add features as we can code in C/C++ instead of assembly in cheat engine which didn't quite make sense lol


looks impressive (might as well write your own games at this stage ๐Ÿ™‚
btw how do you guys feel about javascript?
recently I discovered I had a github account I forgot about and decided to dump some old (and on hold) projects on there, some of them might interest you:

(1 edit) (+1)

I am still learning C/C++ might as well do it once I finish my exams as for JavaScript yeah it's easy tbh and funnily enough I had stuff related to JavaScript in my computer exam today lol and as for making games I am not ready yet


well I'd say you seem ready skillwise at least
it's always a shock to new programmers when they see their first real project in the wild (e.g. in a job) and realise every project is a giant mess - it takes  time to get used to it and not to be afraid to make such a mess yourself ๐Ÿค”

(3 edits) (+1)

after having a break from my exams yes some stuff is interesting i will take a good look at it also LAB2 stuff!? dayum

edit: finally knew what was that weird blue thing I saw in your LAB2 test vids it was just LAB2 grenades lmao


tbh it was just going to be another remake - but I hate coding in js so much that it took forever to get anywhere (and yet for some bizarre reason I kept returning to it)


Got no time to make any simple games from scratch. I would rather use an all ready game engine such as Unity if I am planning on making a simple indie game.

Not really interested in JavaScript lol, only C/C++.


can't help but agree with you on the C/C++ part

btw have you guys tried or used Lua before for anything?


we did it and added spawn objects for this game (the first one of your games that adds spawn objects it's done by seifmagdi) enjoy causing havoc around this game :D

nekkrobox trainer:

nice! it seems to work correctly too! (alas there are not many objects to spawn in this game)
added to the page ๐Ÿ‘


BUG FOUND!!! if you go to the options menu and go to keys after you reboot after changing all of your keys to something else they will reset to their defaults yet you can still use what you have changed last time

the screenshot will help basically last time i changed my keys I changed "Reload" to "R" and it has been reset to Q on the menu BUT I can still use "R" and "Q" isn't useable same goes for crouch it's not F and C it's CTRL and C

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are you sure you want me to fix  it? (it might break your trainer - also you are the first to have noticed it after 3 years)
I think I only fixed it for Zortch so far (nobody noticed it in ZortchTest)


UHHH NVM THEN XD I mean it's not that serious of a bug it's just a lil weird and off but I don't want to break my trainer xD


after thinking why not update it? seif will help with updating the trainer

should be ok now
also I dug up and got the editor to work (as you guys seemed to enjoy looking into test levels)

(1 edit) (+1)

holy shit what :O

edit: remove the cheat table until I release the new version that will adapt to the new version of this game

ok, it's hidden

mind if you tell me how to access some of this stuff? and I dont know how to use map editors yet so its kind of awkward xD (plz tell me how to access any other levels if there are any other than that one test level found one using the batch file)

(1 edit)

it's pretty simple: use F3 to load a map, WASD RF and mouse to navigate around and use the console command PLAY to test it out ingame (also there should be a readme with more keys)

ingame it's the same console command as Lab (MAP mapname) but I just noticed it's seems to be broken using this way.. I'll get back to you on that ๐Ÿค”
Edit:  works fine, I forgot that you need to start a new game for it to work


finally did it i am gonna do this quick i dont have time to write in comments


nekkrobox trainer:

I added them ๐Ÿ‘


don't forget seifmagdi who helped with some of this stuff xD

of course (added him too)


hey mutant so I was wondering mind if you send the files needed for debug mode over email if possible? just gimme your email address and I will send a confirmation email ok?

you mean like the c++ .pdb files?
(or if you mean ingame debug you only need to use DEBUG in the command line)
anyway it's:  mutantleg(at)

(1 edit) (+1)

whaaaaaat DEBUG in command line??????? gonna test this out 

edit: back after trying this I didn't know this game had 2 debug modes! good one

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kinda late but i want this to be fixed my laptop can't run this game i tried to do it before but it just doesn't here are the specs if it will help it basically freezes once I start a new game if i pause it then i could regain control of the menu and maybe quit if you could do some sort of special fix for me i would be grateful please mutantleg i used to play this on my windows 7 PC

this is so strange that people still want to play this - I mean this was just a jam throwaway game ๐Ÿค”
I'm kind of embarrassed by it now ๐Ÿ˜”

anyway I could only guess what went wrong: I added a new version (v103) - so far I tested on my trusted potato win10 laptop and seems to work fine .. of course it only has win10 home so who knows ๐Ÿค”

let me know if it still gives you trouble


thank you i will give you feedback


so uhhh one problem its a tiny problem tbh the ending has the same issue as the gameplay was before but having the menu screen just makes the ending play out like normal otherwise the game is ok to play i hope you fix the ending and thanks so much bro love you and your games :)

could you elaborate on this a bit (I guess we probably talked about it but I cannot seem to remember)

what goes wrong with the ending?

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remember when i told you that the gameplay freezes until i pause and regain control on the pause menu? its exactly just that but instead of it being the gameplay its the ending

I vaguely remember .. but I'm not sure what is going on - it supposed to pause if the window is not in focus and maybe that part is acting up ๐Ÿค” (but it should not happen in fullscreen at all)

does the gameplay still freeze?
(also anything like this happening in Zortch?)

what engine was this coded in?!

it's a custom engine (written in c++  and uses these libs: opengl, openal, stb_image, miniz, pugixml)

(1 edit)

Cool game!

Cool vid!
and you actually took the time to defeat the spider too.. I greatly underestimated players

are there older versions available for this game?

no, sorry, but they were pretty much the same (only bugfixes were added)

(1 edit) (+1)

Played the first 10 mins or so, really fun but there was no gun sounds and it was very distracting. I could hear the reload sound, but firing the gun would make no noise. The monsters were also surprisingly quiet, they would make occasional gross noises but they felt kinda quiet (though that might just be caused by the lack of gun noises), making every gun fight feel kinda awkward and broken. Anyone else have the same issue?


yes it has been mentioned by others too  .. they are there just very quiet
(I just seem to have trouble with sounds in  all my games
and have not figured out why yet: for now sorry about the inconvenience)

Great and short game. definitely reminds me of cruelty squad.very good

(2 edits)

I enjoyed what you have here enough I'd honestly like to see it expanded into a full game.

It's a really solid old-school style FPS 



pretty neat but the sound design could use some work


Its so awesome XDDDDDD


Short, sweet, and very well-designed with plenty of humor.  Would definitely recommend.


It's very short and simple, but something about the atmosphere really pulled me in. I'd love to see a full game set in this world with this kind of atmosphere and gameplay.

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