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Uh is this 32 bit enabled? I'm going to guess not?

I will look into that. Cards on the table, I am entirely unsure, but it runs on mac as long as you download it from the itch app, so I am going to guess so.

Impossible to run the Mac version. The code signature is invalid, so the OS will not allow it to run, saying that it is damaged and should be moved to the Trash.

Even after I worked around that problem, the game just showed me this error on launch: “Unable to find game!!: /Users/andy/Library/Application Support/”

Thank you for making me aware of the problem. It will be fixed as soon as possible.

A fix has been found for the problem. For the Mac Version, you need to download it from the app. Downloading and launching it from the app will allow it to run without issue.

Once again, thank you for telling me about the issue!

Fantastic job with the artwork! Hoping to see more in terms of gameplay in the full version.


Thank you very much! Sorry about what happened in the Librarium. That was a bug that affected the PC version. It is now fixed in the latest version of the demo.

No worries. Glad to know its fixed :)