Nice Gear Games wrote about city::ephemera

Hello to all my followers,

Japanese game developer Nice Gear Games recently wrote a thoughtful piece about my game city::ephemera. You can read it here.

" It is hard not to play this without inserting your own story of a time when you too wandered, dreamlike, through faceless crowds."

You may know Nice Gear Games from the recent collaboration on Indiepocalypse Presents: インディー通信 Indie Tsushin and They do a lot to support the indie games community in Japan. It means a lot to have them write about my game.

I'm currently working on multiple game projects experimenting with sound, light, and time. Stay tuned for more updates.

Thanks for reading!

Get city::ephemera


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What a lovely piece about your wonderful game <3 I can't wait to see your next project!