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Ammour Studio

A member registered Dec 20, 2023 · View creator page →

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We really appreciate this kind of support! And we are very happy that you enjoyed our game and will stay with us waiting for other projects!

Мы очень рады, что вам понравилось играть в нашу игру!

Сюжет пока что несёт функцию знакомства с миром. То, чем он закончится, будет в следующих обновлениях. Мы будем его постепенно дополнять и раскрывать. Но мы рады, что он вас увлек даже на этом этапе!

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Thank 🫵you🫵 for your interest in our game!

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Мы поправили шрифт и скорость диалогов в игре!

Надеемся, что теперь вам будет комфортнее играть, если у вас будет такое желание. Спасибо за отзыв!

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The game is already in English.

You need to select it when you first log in, and English should be among the language options.

Alternatively, you can click on the button that says “switch language” at the bottom of the screen while the game is loading.

If you accidentally selected a different language, this is what the button will look like: "сменить язык" / "змяніць мову" / "змінити мову"

Hope this helps! If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask!😊


We're offering temporary open access to our promotion, but unfortunately, we can't enable the "download or claim" option.

However, you can subscribe to us to stay in the game! If you have an Android device or $3, the paid version of the game won't be an issue for you. After all, you can download the full version for Android for free or donate $3 for the same full version for PC.

Thanks for your attention!🤍

Спасибо вам огромное за отзыв! 

Мы очень старались, чтобы игра давала именно такие влечения, как вы описали! И очень рады, что у нас получилось!

very nice to hear

thanks a lot!!

thank you!

thank you!

Nice game, good job!

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Good game! We rated.

Here's ours:

Thank you very much)

Already did, thank you!

Very good idea for gameplay!

But I think this kind of gameplay needs more explicit and detailed feedback for the player. Both visual and auditory.

And probably a little less physicality of the items. Should have made them more stable or heavier, or attached them to anvils.

You can rate our game if you feel like it. We will be very happy!

Wow! This is a very high quality game! Bear lacks mobility, but overall a very powerful game for Jem. It should be much higher in the rankings.

Well done!

I think you should make a web version of the game. It's not too hard to do on Unity. People are not very keen on downloading games.

We rated your game, here's ours:

The graphics are nice, but i didn't understand the gameplay. I think they should have made a tutorial level instead of a big tutorial text. And, instead of levels, the concept of Jem is more suited to the arcade mode. It would have saved you time.

I get the idea, it's cool. But the implementation didn't let me enjoy it.

From what I feel you are just at the beginning of your journey and I believe you will do well! If you want, you can watch our game.

The idea for the game is good, but there are a few nuances that I think could improve its implementation:

1) you could make it so that elves interact with something, not by touching their collider, but by reaching a click point with the mouse, if the mouse clicked on something to interact with. Now elves can crash into something on the path and interact with that object.

2) I think it would be worth saving the elf that was selected after giving a command to him. Your game is similar to RTS, so this approach would be more player friendly. Right now, having the selection from the elf disappear after giving a command is confusing.

3) It is worth visually showing the selected elf for better player response.

4) It is worth using the same images for the same objects, so that visually it will be better understood what object should be forged. It's not critical here, there are only two objects: one curved and one straight. But if there are more of them, the player is likely to get confused.

Good luck! If you want - you can watch our game, we'd love to have you!

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I agree with Zapzoop0099. If possible, make web versions of your games. Judging by the stats I see from my game and games with lower ratings - people are reluctant to download.
And viruses are one of the reasons for that.

A very enjoyable game!

Personally, I only lacked these little things in the gameplay: 
1) I think it would have been possible to make the net and the Grinch two different objects, so that when the Grinch turns, it stays in the same place and the net moves to the other side. I think this would add integrity to the gameplay.

2) Perhaps it would be worthwhile to have the anvils hit the Grinch itself, rather than the net. Or both the Grinch and the net. Kinda ruins the immersion when the anvil goes through the character.

Otherwise enjoyable gameplay, kept me going for half an hour)

I got 18, but I know what you mean.

I think this problem could be solved by speeding up the movement of children with each new gift done correctly.

Thanks so much for the feedback!

They're not just kids, they're dwarf kids! Big difference🙃


Cool! Cool! Cool!

In this game, I almost got out of debt and died. It's heartbreaking.

I was quickly reaping the benefits of buying an improvement for snowballs and went negative. But was left with a nice sword that I tried to pay back my snowball debt with! Thanks for such an experience!

A cute and fun little game!


Apparently I made it through this game and ended up in the factory.
I only flew left the whole way, but I'm happy with it.

Amazing work!

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It's an extremely broken game but we enjoyed it))))))

fun: 1000/5♥

Very nice and cute game. good sound design and pixel art!

Encountered a couple of bugs:

1) weapons break not only from hitting enemies. from not knowing this i broke them before i was taught how to use them, and also weapons break even when i click during dialogue. and i think it would be a good idea to show how many uses of a weapon are left before they break

2) once a character got stuck between colliders and I couldn't do anything about it at all (one solution might be to make a back to checkpoint button)

Thank you for your feedback🤍🤍🤍

While we haven't considered modernising the mechanic of the hit, but your idea is a good one!
In theory, we could develop it by adding serifs to the slider that appears when you hit. Depending on which serif the circle reaches, the strength of the hit is set.

However, implementing these modifications would require a complete overhaul of the feedback on the player's actions.
Currently, it's simple:

- if nothing is selected, there are no sparks.

- If an item is selected but not yet ready, small sparks will appear.

- If an item is selected and ready, big sparks will appear.

To accommodate more varied hits would require a more varied but equally intuitive response.
For the purposes of a small game for Jam, we decided to focus on simplicity to ensure precise timing and intuitive communication of controls to the player.

I thing if we had decided to create a larger game, we would have used different mechanics instead of the one used here. We would have developed something more intricate.

Thank you so much! This is what we've been looking for!

We are glad you figured it out!! Thank you and Merry Christmas!!

thank you!!!