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A member registered Oct 07, 2015 · View creator page →

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Yeah, I've realized I completely missed that. I've made a short note about it on the page description, my bad.

This was great, hilarious take on the theme and well executed.

Very stylish and clean. Puzzles are maybe a tad simple but I kind of expect that for a jam. Well done.

Mostly what type of tile they are.

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There are several options, like a different color, different pattern, more/less detail. In general as things fade into the background, they have more muted colors, less detail et.c. You have a slight variation today but it's quite subtle.

Nice puzzle, the hard ones are more interesting since they require you to think ahead a bit.

I might be wrong, but it seems like it's possible to dig yourself into a dead end a few moves down, which I'm not sure how I feel about.

A lot of information to unpack upfront, but seems to me you need to match traits with those of the paintings. Nudge doesn't seem to do anything from what I can tell, and introduce reduces actions by one but also doesn't seem to do anything immediately obvious. Interesting concept.

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A bit confusing, some visual indication that you've set a start point would probably help. And right now it seems like it's all different size squares, I think the gameplay would lend itself better to matching shapes, rather than sizes.

Doesn't work unfortunately, 

Error calling method from signal 'pressed': 'Button(': Method not found..

And the download is the HTML version zipped.

Sorry to hear, I get into a slump at least once per project. I feel you were close to a decent submission here. Hope you'll try again.

Moves too fast for me, blink and I'm dead.

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I found the core loop pretty relaxing and enjoyable, reminiscent of Tetris. The stampede looks hilarious.

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Looks and sounds and plays great, Maybe could do with some information about placed tiles, can be a bit hard to tell them apart sometimes. Maybe that's just me. Reminds me of Triple Town where the different tiles are very distinct.

Nice music and art. Pretty hard getting hang of that jumping though  '^^ not my usual cup of tea.

A bit hard to tell foreground from background. I missed the switch at first on level 3(?). Not sure how I feel about things happening off-screen, but no biggie for this IMO. Controls felt pretty good.

Graphics, UI and sound is great. Controls well. Traversal feels good and is pretty forgiving.

I couldn't move the dude at first, seems gamepad conflicts with keyboard movement.

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I feel like the only reason it's hard, is because there's not enough time to move out of the way. You kinda have to get lucky with placement. Good job on the game though, keep it up.

The puzzles weren't super hard or anything, more focused on platforming. But I enjoyed what was there.

The characters are quite sticky, not sure if that's intentional. On level 5 of the second couple I only had to use the door switch, because I could pseudo-walljump my way over, maybe that was intentional as an alternate route. And on level 6 I had the shrink person follow the falling block in the bottom right down off screen, which didn't reset them, had to restart the level, very minor things :)

Nice little game. There's a simple and understandable loop with an interesting selection of characters and levels.

I didn't have much problem playing it, controls are fine, the sounds and graphics are cute. Don't hesitate doing more playable stuff for future jams :)

A pretty nice little take on a smhup-style game. Nice job.

Getting some Good Job vibes from this, I like the slightly varied outfits, giving the employees some character. Music fit well with the tone of the game. That end stinger though. ;)

Interesting idea, pretty funny how you can get knocked around and your dude is almost falling over.

I honestly only recognized two of the things in the bottom lineup, so had to guess most of the time '^^

Drag/drop seems to work fine, I like the feedback you get with the jiggle. I think there's a bug where you can click an item and it will follow the mouse, but you can't click the target zone to drop it.

Controlled well, the shooting seemed to have a delay to it, not instant on press as I would expect. But overall I think it felt good to play.

The last level reminded me of frogger. Some potential for interesting puzzle ideas here I think.

I think there's potential for some more interesting puzzles, right now it's quite easy. Cute graphics.

Not quite sure I understand what I'm supposed to do, other than walk into murder machines and make them blow up.

The connecting part felt a bit finnicky, often the cube wouldn't move, at least for me. Nice visuals and sound.

I'm no puzzle design expert, but I felt you handled them quite well, as they seemed to get progressively harder. Finished in 10 resets :)

Yeah, the balance is completely off-whack. I feel that after you beat the first level it's really easy to finish, unfortunately.

Thanks for checking it out, glad you liked it.