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Thanks for the feedback.  That's strange that it didn't want to lock the mouse cursor for you.  Was the controller-look still too slow even with the sensitivity at max in the in-game options menu?  I could increase the range if that's an issue.


I did not see a game options button and esc did not work. I was playing the WebGL build. 

Okay, I added a note to the game page that you can press "Q" to show the sensitivity options.  There's also a prompt in the bottom left corner of the game screen, but if that's not showing up on your end then maybe the UI for the options won't show up either.  Thanks again.

(1 edit) (+1)

Ya I I cranked it to full it is much better. Sorry I just must have overlooked the Q message. My goto for menus like that is start, on controller or select, esc, or Tab.