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BanishedView game page

You have been Banished! Try to get home by expanding your soul to take on the shapes of powerful creatures!
Submitted by Bad Badger Programming — 16 hours, 27 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Theme interpretation#3112.4892.489

Ranked from 45 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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This is a really cool game! It's really impressive how many features you added into it for this game jam! Great job!


Thank you so much! 


I like the concept a lot! and I like how different areas are require you to use combinations of different characters and revisit areas later once youve got the required more characters. For feedback I'd say the platforming is pretty unforgiving and there could be some more audio/visual feedback to let the player know when theyre losing hearts


Thank you so much for playing! I've had several people request audio/visual heart loss indicators. I will add it to the next update list! Thank you extra for the feedback always apriciated!


good game! + i love 2d games =D


Thanks so much for playing!


you are welcome !


Overall found myself enjoying the game way more than I expected, and being able to turn into a fish man is just bonus points right there, The platforming is a bit rough at first, the placement of that first platform above you after the catapult makes it very easy to knock yourself into the hole there and I found the jumping was not very forgiving for when you pressed the button. But the combat worked well and being able to collect and change souls is very compelling. My biggest issue though is that I'm having a harder time seeing how it fits the theme and also your github appears to just be a copy of the game rather than any scripts/how you made the game which also doesn't really keep with the jam either. But the game itself is quite fun so good job regardless!


Yes a lot of people have suggested coyote time for the jumping. I think I'll do that in the next update. I don't know how to use GitHub so it was hard enough to get that one zip in there. Maybe I ought to fix it. You're scaling your soul, growing it bigger and bigger to take on the shape of new characters. That's the theme interpretation. I'm glad you liked the game! And thanks for playing!


Ah okay that makes sense about scaling the soul. Coyote time would definitely go a long way and help quite a bit. Definitely a fun game though, so nicely done!

I really enjoyed playing through this, lots of cool ideas. I felt like each character was well balanced, it seemed like most powerful abilities came with corresponding handicaps. I walked back and forth across the map probably 30-40 times through the whole game!

I think I completed it, I got the favor of all the stars. But there wasn't any end-of-game sequence that I could find

I noticed a few bugs (maybe?) (spoilers follow)

- when in reverse-gravity witch mode, if you switch to another character, the gravity remains reversed

- in the star cavern to the west, my characters started dying after they made the very first jump. unclear why. I completed that route with the angel alone.

- When I got into the buried star cavern before reaching the first above-ground star, my character got stuck and couldn't move


Glad you played! Thank you for your time! Did you submit to this jam? How did you post in the jam comment thread?

Hmmm. I thought I fixed that witch thing... apparently not XD You're supposed to use the angel in the cavern. Rafael did it with a combo of dwarf and angel somehow but that isn't how you're supposed to. You're dying of the holy aura of the star. That's really weird about the no-end-game-sequence... It's there XD after you go through the door... I'll look at that.

I'm not sure how I'm allowed to comment! I cannot contribute to ratings.

Ok, well I guess I did the cavern right then! I was playing on the web build, if that makes a difference. I tried walking back through the gate to the west but it didn't let me through 😭


Weird... I'll try re-uploading it.


is realy good game , the grafics wow , map is bit the sounds is real like animals audio in the background,

is batter than ,all game i rated him so far , i hop to rate my game 


Thank you for playing!


your are welcome


Wow. The sense of humour drew me in from the start. There's so much to enjoy in this game - great level design, interesting puzzles from the start, distinct characters, audio and sound effects is fantastic, the different environments were really well integrated into the whole game. Really enjoyed this, nice work!


Thank you so much for playing! Glad you liked it!


Five star!It's not often that a production has not only Background music but also ambient sound effects, it's awesome. The art style reminds me of Terraria, which I love. As others have commented, very promising!


Thank you so much! Glad you liked it! I put a lot of work into the sound.


Error: Couldn't load project data at path ".". Is the .pck file missing?

If you've renamed the executable, the associated .pck file should also be renamed to match the executable's name (without the extension).


What platform are you on? There is no pck for the windows version.

Submitted (1 edit)

I tried the web version on Firefox and Mac.


A whole lot of content here! I really enjoyed the concept of this game, the characters were unique and interesting to use and the puzzles were fun to figure out. I think I gave it a decent effort, but I wasn't able to complete the game (at least not yet). I got far enough to where I could kill the tougher enemies (but I've only found 4 of them). I kind of wish fall damage wasn't a thing... especially since the player can already reset themselves. I found myself getting reset back to the beginning many times for that reason only, which makes it pretty difficult to explore the level.

That said, I thought it was fun! The different abilities were interesting and it was enjoyable getting to learn more about the map over time. Also really enjoyed standing on enemies heads haha. Nice work!


I'm so glad you liked it! Definitely play again! Your progress will be saved so you can pick up again whenever you like! You're through the hard part :) Thank you so much for investing your time in it!


Great job! I really think this has a lot of potential, it just needs to be more polished. Right now it feels a little rough, but there are many details already so just polishing it  a bit more would lead to an amazing game! Nice work!


Thank you for the feedback!


Nice looking platformer game.

Some remarks:
The jump is insane in height but lacking in distance, felt hard to control this way.
At the start it is explained that your solder drowns in water, but throught the water is the only way. It took me some running around before I hit the water on accident (expecting to drown) but it turned out you can just pass over the water. This was not clear from the explanation.

Overall good job !


Oh yes that was prolly a little misleading... Sorry about that. Thanks for powering through anyways!


Good job! I think by adding a few details here and there, it could become a nice game. Just a curiosity: did you have to remove any features due to time constraints or other limitations? I have opened a topic called "The Features Cemetery" and would love to have your input there. Good work again!!! :)


Will check that out in a bit! Thanks for playing!


Okay I posted. maybe a little long winded but that might not be a bad thing XD


the art stile remind us to terraria, is super cute


I'm honored to have my work compared to that of a true masterpiece! Thank you!


Lots of potential here! The movement was a little tricky for me to get used to, but I eventually did. I think it would also be helpful to know when I’m taking damage from enemies (unless there’s something I missed there). Overall I enjoyed playing, well done!


Thank you for your input! Yes a sound effect or something would prolly help with the damage.


Pretty good! It was stuttering a little bit on Microsoft Edge, on Firefox runs perfectly, tho


Glad it worked for you on the browser! Thanks for playing!


The game feels very polished! I liked it a lot! I desliked a little bit the jump, I felt like I had no control on it.


Thanks for giving it a go!


Well-made game!

I like the multiple characters with different abilities! And some random noise of animal or bird in between😂


Thank you!


Some thoughtful details in this game, I like the way you read through some narrative on the signs, I love the bounce/jump animation for the player it’s really fun, just boinging around is quite good fun. I also like the characters and level design, a lot of time has clearly gone into graphics and play especially for a solo project done in a hurry!


Thank you for playing and for your thoughtful words!


surprisingly well made for a project "done in a hurry". the random screaming goat(?) noise though, lol.

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