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Bad Badger Programming

A member registered Aug 25, 2023 · View creator page →

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Actually I wasn't able to. D': I missed the submission deadline cause they closed it 17 hours earlier than they said they would. But I got in the google form thing. So we'll see.

Finally won! lol it takes some getting used to but once you get the hang of it it's fun!

I did hit one spot where the ball was perfectly balanced on the net and not moving anywhere... I thought I was stuck but I managed to jump up and hit it.

The crab's mover seemed a bit predictable but it wasn't crazy.

I had to look up Takoyaki. Looks yummy lol

Very nice game overall! nice work!

Wow thanks for spending half an hour of your day on me lol

Yeah I need to make a small update with the controls but I have to wait for the jam to end.

And I'm so glad you liked the story lol I wanted it to be amusing but not too distracting I re-wrote it several times. I didn't have time in the jam but the plan was to voice act it all out.

Oh man, I'm sorry for you (that you did the jam) It was a mess this year! People cheating around every corner and the weird things going on with the sponsors! And then the early submission closing! Augh. It's all over now though. Just gotta wait for results.

Thank you so much! 

Thank you so much for playing! I've had several people request audio/visual heart loss indicators. I will add it to the next update list! Thank you extra for the feedback always apriciated!

Personally I would have made a bigger jump and faster movement that felt more natural and just zoomed out a little but pretty good overall! Nice work!

You die very slowly at first. But overall not bad.

Thanks so much for playing!

Played and rated geometry dash! Here's mine:

You clearly spent a long time on level design. Overall a pretty nice game! Good work!

anybody beat this? 

So fun I love good voice acting! Played for way too long.

Played and rated it was so fun! I played for way too long!
Here is my game:

Anyone else top 100?

This game was so fun nice work! 5 stars! I played for way too long and even got my little brother to push the space bar for me to even space the obstacles.

I posted this on your game page too but I figured I'd put it here.

Here is my game! Just two days left to vote! Can't wait!

Here was my high score:

I love that tip too. Believe me I tried. You can see the two boulders that sandwiched me there. And the sound fx were great too! I always love a good endless game. Nice work!

I love super monkey ball! Very nice clone! And impressive jam game too! Nice work.

Here's mine! Played and rated yours! Hope it helps!

played and rated here is my game!

Yes a lot of people have suggested coyote time for the jumping. I think I'll do that in the next update. I don't know how to use GitHub so it was hard enough to get that one zip in there. Maybe I ought to fix it. You're scaling your soul, growing it bigger and bigger to take on the shape of new characters. That's the theme interpretation. I'm glad you liked the game! And thanks for playing!

Lots of little details that added a lot to the game. It wasn't hard enough that I stopped playing out of frustration but I just couldn't figure out what to do next. The graphics are pretty good! And I liked the character. The lighting was at once confusing and cool. But overall it was fun, and a pretty nice game.

I played! Very fun! Reminded me of a game that mark (gmtk) was talking about.

Weird... I'll try re-uploading it.

Glad you played! Thank you for your time! Did you submit to this jam? How did you post in the jam comment thread?

Hmmm. I thought I fixed that witch thing... apparently not XD You're supposed to use the angel in the cavern. Rafael did it with a combo of dwarf and angel somehow but that isn't how you're supposed to. You're dying of the holy aura of the star. That's really weird about the no-end-game-sequence... It's there XD after you go through the door... I'll look at that.

Got 'em all! Very fun game overall! Graphics were great and it was easy to tell what I was supposed to do! Nice work!

Thank you for playing!

Thank you so much for playing! Glad you liked it!

It reminds me of a game that Mark (we all know mark right? The GMTK guy!) was talking about a while ago. And that's a compliment because he was praising it! Nice work! Also love the music!

If you used CSS to edit your game page post it here for us to play! And check out mine at:

Thank you so much! Glad you liked it! I put a lot of work into the sound.

As hard as I tried I couldn't get 10 clicks per second. but I got 9!


I love the art! Nice work! The controls were a little tricky though...

I'm so glad you liked it! Definitely play again! Your progress will be saved so you can pick up again whenever you like! You're through the hard part :) Thank you so much for investing your time in it!

What platform are you on? There is no pck for the windows version.

The art was intriguing! Very cool! The amount of time I spent playing is embarrassing 🤣😂

Very cool game! I Love the take on the theme! The controls were a bit awkward though...

Such a good game I spent like 10 hours playing! 🤣😂

Bro no way?!?!? We both made a game called Banished! It would be crazy not to play each others games! I'm on my phone but I will write you a long detailed review after I play yours  tomorrow morning!

Such good audio! And art too! This was just a great game! Nice work!

I fell in love with the aesthetic on sight! Great job! And the take on the theme is so original too!

The hotboxes were a little unforgiving but overall this is a HUGE game for a jam! Nice work! Very impressive!