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Very creative game. Will you be needing any voice actors for future games?

This would be amazing ngl

The demo is a little rough around the edges.  The flashlight doesn't move from eye level and the way the camera moves makes me motion sick because of just how much sway there is.  I think there is a lot of potential in this game once all the kinks are worked out.  Good luck on the full release when that day comes!

Super Fun!!

Demo 3.0 de BONEFIELD: Explora una casa escalofriante en esta experiencia de terror donde te encontrarás luchando contra una implacable entidad que te matará con solo tocarte, como armas llevarás la luz del limbo que puede revelar lo sobrenatural y una pistola con un solo cargador, muchas gracias por la demo, saludos!!!!!!

flashlight stays eye level, moves left and right a bit but not up and down. Makes it very hard to see in darker spots...looking for ammo!


Yup this is so annoying.


Thanks for the feedback. fixing the light issue(:

Any idea when an update will be out for it? I want to get a gameplay video for it


Really good looking bodycam game! I might playing full version when is release

Thanks for the positive feedback!(: