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I've been saying no since the very beginning of the game but it doesn't end and I can't break the LOOP . ☟︎☜︎☹︎🏱︎ 💣︎☜︎


I was crazy once

They locked me in a room.


A ruber room

My brain hurts


Uhhh, so… You are saying you can loop? Uhhh, so… You are saying you can loop? Uhhh, so… You are saying you can loop? Uhhh, so… You are saying you can loop? Uhhh, so… You are saying you can loop? Uhhh, so… You are saying you can loop?


im going insane and that didnt help, BECAUSE im going insane and that didnt help. im going insane and that didnt help. im going insane and that didnt help. im going insane and that didnt help. im going insane and that didnt help. im going insane and that didnt help. im going insane and that didnt help. im going insane and that didnt help. 


These repetitions are crazy...

Crazy? I was crazy o-


haha, i might just be going crazy




I was crazy once.

Oh really?
What happened last time you went crazy?


I Was Locked In A Room. A Rubber Room. A Rubber Room With Rats. And Rats Make Me Crazy.

Man that's crazy.


How tf do you break the loop.


God I wish I knew.


im horny


This is a good game I really liked the depth you gave the characters


i got to the point where it said "do you want to have sex" with the only 2 options being yes, so i reloaded the page thinking that i was all clever, but the game showed the same question and answers every reload




Me too


I felt like a teenager again. :(