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Hi, I found you on a thread "Saving/loading Object Arrays after game quit/restart?". I'm building an inventory system using uobject as container as well. Do you mind sharing your design of your inventory data structures and design. Any method to contact you if you're willing to help a new UE developer? thanks

Hi Lola! It's been quite long since I've worked on this project, and the code for the systems in this project were not up to par. Currently, I've improved a lot! I could try to explain a simple way of doing it, but making an inventory from scratch is not easy at all. I'd recommend following guides online, and even perhaps on Udemy. Currently, I'm working on an inventory system for the Unreal Marketplace. I've been working on it for ~2 weeks now.

Sadly you cannot save Objects. However, you can convert the object's data (the variables it holds) to a struct, then save the struct. When loading, you can load that struct, break it, and create necessary objects using the data saved inside your struct. You can also add me on Discord (@isikdev), I'll try to guide you a bit.

Many thanks for your reply. I have built inventory systems using uobjects, structs, maps, arrays. The core concepts are not difficult but Indeed very tedious, because so many moving pieces. But I simply can't use other people's system, especially built in blueprint.  For saving, I've also found out it's not easy. I could serialize objects myself and saved it then convert ited back. I can't believe, common game sub systems like inventory is still so hard to build.

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Bastante bien, aunque es un poco molesta la poca luz. Seguiré probándolo 

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Muchísimas gracias. Asegúrate de usar tu linterna. Después de algunos niveles, sales de las mazmorras. También en una actualización futura agregaré un control deslizante para la configuración de la luz.