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Hello all, I know the competition is over yet. I want to learn programming a chess bot for my personnal knowledge. I have already loaded sebastian's code and tried to analyse it. My question is : Could someone over here provide a roadmap of the different implementations to carry on in order to run a simple yet functionning chess bot ? Would be much appreciated, thanks a lot !
PS : I have also watched the project videos which are extremely well done and useful btw


Please make a way to import other bots too


App deployment tip: For Windows, you should change the File Description & Product Name from "Godot Engine", so a shortcut to Tiny-Chess-Bots.exe is named correctly.

Very cool bots, King Gambot IV, is my favorite. Check out my game against it here(I played black):

Does work on linux, verified!

but how?

first make the binary executable

sudo chmod +x Tiny-Chess-Bots.x86_64

then run it


Doesn't seem to work on OSX.   GUI loads, but each bot is "bot name" on the buttons and clicking it does nothing.


I have the same problem on macOS Sonoma 14.1; there are 12 buttons labeled "Bot Name" that do not do anything, and "Bot info" on the bottom does nothing.

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Does not work on macOS Sonoma 14.3.1 either, same thing: the bots probably cannot load. Could it be a missing permissions thing? Which permission should I set in Settings?

Works fine for me on 14.2.1

After marking the file as executable, it appears to work well on linux :)
Turns out I'm really bad at chess though...

(2 edits)

Wow, I lost to the Copy Cat bot first try! Ended up sacking all my pieces (with checks) except for a knight, and replicating a queen checkmate on the other side of the board with knight moves! Btw, loved the video!

Here's the full game on Lichess

Nice! And I'm happy you enjoyed the video :)

Very fun ! I've been trying to lose to the Copy Cat bot, and I've failed 3 out of 3 attempts... However, I did manage 2 stalemates, and 1 draw by repetition, and the official stats record that as 3 draws 3 losses.. So I guess that counts? 

Side note, I've also been trying out a game that has a demo in Steam called Master of Chess, also written in Godot I believe - pretty cool concept as well.

Haha thanks for letting me know about the bug -- I've fixed it in V0.1. Let me know if you succeed in losing legitimately :)

This worked excellently on my Windows 10 PC (run from itch desktop app).

In the online description... the rating system is Elo, not ELO.

Happy to hear it! Oh good point, will fix it, thanks.

(4 edits)

Applemethod and the further bots with higher rating have infinite thinking time. They don't make a move. I hope it gets fixed with the next patch.

Thanks for such a fun event.

That's strange! If you're on windows, would you mind downloading the debug build I just added, and try running the 'Tiny-Chess-Bots.console.exe'? Would love to hear if you get any error messages in the console when trying to play against the bots that don't work (and if so could you please paste them here).

(2 edits)

The same mistake "Input string was not in a correct format." with multiple bots when they start thinking:

ERROR: System.FormatException: Input string was not in a correct format.     at System.Number.ThrowOverflowOrFormatException(ParsingStatus status, TypeCode type)     at System.Double.Parse(String s)     at TinyOpeningBook.<>c.<trygetmove>b__3_0(String s) in C:\Users\sebas\Desktop\Sebastian\Projects\Chess\Chess Challenge\Tiny-Chess-Godot\scripts\application\TinyOpeningBook.cs:line 23     at System.Linq.Enumerable.SelectArrayIterator`2.ToArray()     at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToArray[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source)     at TinyOpeningBook.TryGetMove(Board board, Double randomlyDontUseBookProb) in C:\Users\sebas\Desktop\Sebastian\Projects\Chess\Chess Challenge\Tiny-Chess-Godot\scripts\application\TinyOpeningBook.cs:line 23     at auto_Bot_70.Bot_70.Think(Board board, Timer timer) in C:\Users\sebas\Desktop\Sebastian\Projects\Chess\Chess Challenge\Tiny-Chess-Godot\scripts\chess-challenge\Bots\Bot_70.cs:line 128     at BotRunner.NotifyTurnToMove(Board board) in C:\Users\sebas\Desktop\Sebastian\Projects\Chess\Chess Challenge\Tiny-Chess-Godot\scripts\application\BotRunner.cs:line 35     at GameManager.NotifyTurnToMove() in C:\Users\sebas\Desktop\Sebastian\Projects\Chess\Chess Challenge\Tiny-Chess-Godot\scripts\application\GameManager.cs:line 187     at GameManager.OnMoveChosen(Move move) in C:\Users\sebas\Desktop\Sebastian\Projects\Chess\Chess Challenge\Tiny-Chess-Godot\scripts\application\GameManager.cs:line 162     at HumanPlayer.ChoseMove(Move move) in C:\Users\sebas\Desktop\Sebastian\Projects\Chess\Chess Challenge\Tiny-Chess-Godot\scripts\application\HumanPlayer.cs:line 212     at HumanPlayer.TryMakeMove(Coord startSquare, Coord targetSquare) in C:\Users\sebas\Desktop\Sebastian\Projects\Chess\Chess Challenge\Tiny-Chess-Godot\scripts\application\HumanPlayer.cs:line 201     at HumanPlayer.HandlePiecePlacement(Vector2 mousePos) in C:\Users\sebas\Desktop\Sebastian\Projects\Chess\Chess Challenge\Tiny-Chess-Godot\scripts\application\HumanPlayer.cs:line 113     at HumanPlayer.HandleDragMovement(Vector2 mousePos) in C:\Users\sebas\Desktop\Sebastian\Projects\Chess\Chess Challenge\Tiny-Chess-Godot\scripts\application\HumanPlayer.cs:line 85     at HumanPlayer._Process(Double delta) in C:\Users\sebas\Desktop\Sebastian\Projects\Chess\Chess Challenge\Tiny-Chess-Godot\scripts\application\HumanPlayer.cs:line 62     at Godot.Node.InvokeGodotClassMethod(godot_string_name& method, NativeVariantPtrArgs args, godot_variant& ret)     at HumanPlayer.InvokeGodotClassMethod(godot_string_name& method, NativeVariantPtrArgs args, godot_variant& ret) in C:\Users\sebas\Desktop\Sebastian\Projects\Chess\Chess Challenge\Tiny-Chess-Godot\Godot.SourceGenerators\Godot.SourceGenerators.ScriptMethodsGenerator\HumanPlayer_ScriptMethods.generated.cs:line 73     at Godot.Bridge.CSharpInstanceBridge.Call(IntPtr godotObjectGCHandle, godot_string_name* method, godot_variant** args, Int32 argCount, godot_variant_call_error* refCallError, godot_variant* ret)     at: godotsharp_pusherror (modules/mono/glue/runtime_interop.cpp:1324)</trygetmove>

Thank you! If you have a minute could you please try the latest (non-debug) build. It should say v0.1 in the bottom right of the menu screen, and will hopefully work now.

Works! :-)


(1 edit)

Cool Idea! I cannot run most of the Engines on windows, other than that the GUI works, maybe some bugs if I drag pieces in some weird ways. Im sure thats an easy fix or you uploaded the wrong version.

I'll look into it, thank you!

Hey, if it's not too much trouble could you download the debug build I just added, and try running the 'Tiny-Chess-Bots.console.exe'? Would love to hear if you get any error messages in the console when trying to play against the bots that don't work (and if so could you please paste them here).

(1 edit)

I am getting the following error almost randomly when I click on an engine:

ERROR: System.FormatException: Input string was not in a correct format.
   at System.Number.ThrowOverflowOrFormatException(ParsingStatus status, TypeCode type)
   at System.Double.Parse(String s)
   at TinyOpeningBook.<>c.<TryGetMove>b__3_0(String s) in C:\Users\sebas\Desktop\Sebastian\Projects\Chess\Chess Challen3
   at System.Linq.Enumerable.SelectArrayIterator`2.ToArray()
   at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToArray[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source)
   at TinyOpeningBook.TryGetMove(Board board, Double randomlyDontUseBookProb) in C:\Users\sebas\Desktop\Sebastian\Proje3
   at auto_Bot_614.Bot_614.Think(Board boardOrig, Timer timerOrig) in C:\Users\sebas\Desktop\Sebastian\Projects\Chess\C9
   at BotRunner.NotifyTurnToMove(Board board) in C:\Users\sebas\Desktop\Sebastian\Projects\Chess\Chess Challenge\Tiny-C5
   at GameManager.NotifyTurnToMove() in C:\Users\sebas\Desktop\Sebastian\Projects\Chess\Chess Challenge\Tiny-Chess-Godo7
   at GameManager.StartGame() in C:\Users\sebas\Desktop\Sebastian\Projects\Chess\Chess Challenge\Tiny-Chess-Godot\scrip5
   at GameManager._Ready() in C:\Users\sebas\Desktop\Sebastian\Projects\Chess\Chess Challenge\Tiny-Chess-Godot\scripts\6
   at Godot.Node.InvokeGodotClassMethod(godot_string_name& method, NativeVariantPtrArgs args, godot_variant& ret)
   at GameManager.InvokeGodotClassMethod(godot_string_name& method, NativeVariantPtrArgs args, godot_variant& ret) in C5
   at Godot.Bridge.CSharpInstanceBridge.Call(IntPtr godotObjectGCHandle, godot_string_name* method, godot_variant** arg)
   at: godotsharp_pusherror (modules/mono/glue/runtime_interop.cpp:1324)

That's very helpful, thank you! If you get a chance could you please try the new (non-debug) version. Fingers crossed, it should work now.


I'm running on macOS 12.6 but can't get this to run unfortunately, even using the itch io app.


I got Linux working! After unzipping, I had to `chmod +x Tiny-Chess-Bots.x86_64` so I could run it, but after that I was able to get it started with no problems.