Devlog #7- hiatus

Hey everyone, I'm not one for long posts or anything like that, but this is important, the game will be going on an indefinite hiatus. The main reason isn't too serious it's just that things are getting busier, school is starting back up in a bit, alot of the devs are getting jobs along with some other changes to other things like living conditions. For right now it is alot, alot- alot, 

So instead of keeping you waiting for an extended amount of time I'll just tell you, the game will be going in hiatus until early next year maybe, or until things get better with my living situation and other devs get free. Wish I could give you guys a more definite answer to when we'll be back but for right now just know the games on hiatus. 

It isn't dead though; we will come back. You can check the game bio to come around the community and talk with me (Blam) and the other other devs as well. In any case the next devlog will be a coming back post. Hopefully- Yeah  


Get Fridas- Below the surface (Abandoned)


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Ayo? pause wdym by school? 

Wdym? Multiple people in our dev team go to college.

ahh ok ok that's better thanks for clearing that up

man comes back, drops us actual good content after so long, then dips like my dad. God speed you magnificent bastard! 

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Well can you at least tell us what you have planned when you guys get back early next year or whenever your situation is solved

The plan is to finish the game I guess, work on our franchise for the series plus other projects.


find game i like -> game gets constant updates with a dev that communicates -> indefinite hiatus


it be like that dawg

(1 edit)

yeah, pretty much

Goodbye forever(

this is one of the games I look forward to updates from the most, but I also relate to shelving projects because of work or school or whatever. Hope you guys still find the value in returning to the game when you can. Love ya

Its ok, i understand, take your Time and rest a bit, have a good day and rest




no more game?


You got this team, can't wait to see what's in store! I'm gonna be going back and doing the same too, so good luck to that as well!

Good luck man, I hope things get better for you <3