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(1 edit)

Hi! Are you again working on this? I play a lot with this and I hope to see more of your work one day!! Thanks for that

Hi, I'm French and I'm curious to know your opinion of the game. Aren't there too many themes and tags that the player can use?

Salut. En français ca sera plus simple alors. En fait non pas du tout car tu ne peux choisir qu'un seul theme par lancer de dés. L'auteur conseille de se limiter à 4 dés maximum. Perso en respectant la pertinence des tags j'en jette generalement entre 1 et 3. Le système est vraiment simple et adaptable ou modifiable assez simplement. En gros à chaque jet je choisis le thème le plus adapté et je sélectionne les tags pertinent et comme les tags doivent être précis tous ne sont pas utilisables pour toute situation. Selon le contexte il m'arrive aussi de changer le système de gestion de blessure et d'adapter par exemple quelque chose de similaire à fate ou blades in the dark.

Merci beaucoup !  Je suis étonné qu'on ne puisse utiliser qu'un thème à la fois contrairement à city of mist !

Is it possible to get a character sheet for fractal? Are you interested in a French translation of your site? I've made a pdf for my own use

Hi Arnvald! Life got on Fractal's way so it's taking me some more time to finish the book, but I'll make an effort to upload a character sheet as soon as possible. If you'd like to translate it to French, I would absolutely love it and endorse it, Fractal is Creative Commons so feel free to translate it and post wherever you feel like it. Send me the link so I can put the translation in the main page!

(+1) Here is the link to the French version

Awesome, thank you for that! Including it right now in the main page!

(2 edits)

1) Can you tell us more about your ideas for developing this Fractal toolbox?

2) Do you think Extra tags can be earned for free when fiction allows? There are no limits other than fiction and the limit of 6 ?

3) Do you plan to target character creation in a setting with a framework like Fiasco or the RPG PUSH srd?

Thank you for the questions!

1) The Fractal toolbox will contain separate modules for customizing the game, as well as several theme generators for six "official settings"

2) Extra tags can surely be earned for free when fiction allows, but I'd be mindful for it not to become "too easy" to earn. Differently from traditional games, Fractal puts a lot of the gamification in the hands of the players, so they're the ones who would choose when to turn something into an Extra tag. Also, no limits other than these.

3) Fractal will have six official settings, each of them using different modules during character creation. Here's some spoiler: Fractal ( Not ready yet, but shows the names of the settings!


Very cool! Looks like a simplified and genre-agnostic version of City of Mist, which is something I've been thinking about myself... Can't wait to see the final product! 

Thank you so much, Benji!

City of Mist is definitely one of the main inspirations for Fractal, together with FATE, Blades in the Dark and Neon City Overdrive.

I took what I liked the most in each of these, and added some twists to make the game the more player-sided as possible.

If you get to playtest Fractal with your friends, please tell me how it went!


This game system is amazing! It is at the same time rules light and gives us powerful tools to create amazing stories collectively! One of my favorite RPG systems nowadays!

Esse sistema é incrível! Ele nos oferece ao mesmo tempo regras simples, mas ferramentas poderosas para criar histórias coletivamente! É um dos meus sistemas de RPG ultimamente!

Fiz até um vídeo sobre:

Thank you so much for the kind words, Teuri! I'm so glad to hear that it's been useful for you!
I'm working on expanding it in a modular way (more tools for the Fractal toolbox), I hope you'll come to enjoy it!


Muito obrigado pelas palavras gentis, Teuri! Feliz em saber que o Fractal está sendo útil! 
Estou trabalhando em expandi-lo de forma modular (mais ferramentas nessa caixinha!), espero que você curta!