Future of the Game


It has been a few weeks since the Kenney Jam finished up. I left on vacation the week following the final jam results and just returned late last week. I have decided to continue to develop this project and will begin working on updates today.

The first update will involve a lot of code refactoring, as well as the most critical gameplay updates, based on feedback and on things I really wanted to finish within the jam that I had to set aside. When I release the new version, I will also be renaming the game. The original name was a fun pun for the theme of the jam (Grow), but in the grand scheme of things I don't think it's a great name for the game haha.

I think I'll be able to finish this first update within 2-4 weeks, and it will include:

-Complete rebalance of enemies and player upgrades.

-The ship upgrades you select will be limited to 3, selected at random from the larger list. This encourages more diverse builds and unique play throughs. It makes balancing easier because you can't just do the same godly build every run.

-The player ship will be able to pass through enemy ships, so you will not get stuck due to your own fleet.

-Ships in your fleet will be able to capture surrendered ships.

-Updated controls to better support non-QWERTY keyboards.

I am doing a lot more work behind the scenes, but I don't want to bore you with the details in this announcement. I'll include more detailed notes in the changelog.


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Awesome! Excited to see where this project goes!

Thanks! I appreciate the encouragement!