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(2 edits)

okay just testing the 1/12/2022 demo

I'll only add stuff I haven't yet seen in other comments.

in the shopping mall any text between chair and sale sign isn't readable because there's not enough contrast. Easiest fix would be some kind of border around the letters.

the font in the phone is hardly readable because it's really tiny.

when encountering a goddess, using the profile button there are 4 lines, but figuring out what each of them means is way less than intuitive, an indicator would be nice.

without interacting with any goddess there is nothing to do, meaning if you get to any location where there is no goddess you wasted 1/3 of a day just going there AND have to navigate through the phone to move elsewhere. I think it would be better to additionally bind the map to a key. or maybe add some interactive element to each location? Even if it's only something like click onto the sale sign and the shop menu opens or some way of playing the match-3-minigame in the gaming lounge, it'll give the locations some purpose besides being able to maybe encounter a goddess.

the match-3-minigame when on a date doesn't always recognize completing several rows/columns at once, sometimes that leads to one of the matches getting lost by falling gems. T shaped matches should be recognized, before clearing a match the minigame should look for other matches that occured.

It seems out of place too because there is no context, making it part of the date instead of the date itself would be nice.

sometimes time jumps from evening to morning on the same day when visiting a location you where in the morning.

knowing how much the next stat increase will cost, without having the funds already, would be nice.

(1 edit) (+1)

Ok, so i played for a bit and it seems like i can't go further.

edit : nevermind, i'm blind i didn't see the progress bar lol, i will retry the game later and see if i found other bugs.

So there are few bugs, when you change the outfits for example you put the second outfit all is ok except when you are in a date and have played, when the gems are falling the outfits keep swapping between the first one and the one you have opted for.

Also we can't save, and sometimes when you end a date you are teleported in another location and the background when you launch one doesn't always match for example a date at the beach can have a background of a date at the park.

The dialogues are a bit strange, i can have a question about an information i never had and have two, even three times the same dialogue in a row and you can still see the "Talk" box  after the three try if you press the "profile" box (it doesn't work if you click on it).

There should be a big balancing of the differents gems colors because if you max 3 times one of them date are really short i had like 4 times after my first action that I had already won.

The last thing that doesn't seem at the right place for me, is the dialogue of Aphrodite about cigarette, it should only appear at the bar of Athena.

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especially the after any first date you can't save anymore bug I consider gamebreaking.

This looks awesome!! Love the art and character designs. Can't go wrong with cute anime personifications of Greek deities ♡