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This game is simple and fun. I like that you set the enemies to move to increase the vividness of the picture. It would be better if you could let the character move downward without having the head going down.

The wolf is a kind of evil charming, lol. And I really love the shifting obstacles, which not only adds the good visual instruction but also make it hard.

I felt " Too easy" at first then, it got graduallu difficult to escape each level because I became obsessed with obtaining all the goodies and the key on each level. then I realised I really liked this game because all the game objects are randomly put whenever I restarted the game. it made me continued to play. the music is sort of hypnotizing lol.  

Thanksss. I struggled with the random instance part because sometimes I would instantiate things overlapping each other. The music featured in the game is my own. You can check it out here.