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I just purchased this on my windows pc, and it doesn't work. I extract the file and it won't display at all when I open the game. I hear the title music, but nothing will display. Pls help!

Hello! I bought your game to play on mac but I can't open it. Do you know how I can fix it?

unzip it first. 7-zip or unarcheiver

Hey, I recently bought your game and tried playing in on Joiplay. But it tells me that the file isn't accessible. Any recommendations?

This is actually a visual novel. It's not an rpg.  Are you on windows because you just have to click the app?

no, I downloaded it on my Android phone. Is it not accessible for Androids?

I'm sorry. It's for Windows only. Kindly request refund for your payment.

Can you actually romance the demon?

Will this be available on mac?


I am stuck in The-Golden-Hoe. After the fight in the temple to get the golden hoe. He wants the pizza from the fridg. Then what??

wait. what? what are you playing?

Hi Bear, Thx for your reply. However the problem solved itself somehow. The last level of the game just stopped. But a few days later it went on to the last battle, so I saw the giant god cum LOL

LOL wut. Thanks btw


For true, it's not touching me like the class rep but it's make my heart feel imbued, that we have more story next from class rep. Thank you for your hard work and love you, bye.