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My favorite game!

Neat game

Too hard for me but a great puzzle game!

I love it! very creative

Nice presentation. I like the use of shadows from the walls and the glow around the watermelon slice

A fun and challenginf puzzle game, love it!


hard but interesting!

Difficult puzzler, I love the main mechanic. Though, could use a more interesting art style. I wasn't clear on the mechanic at first though.

Man this is hard!

Good puzzler. Should be an app.

Maybe add some visual feedback for when the wind hits?

Very cool concept and nicely implemented, I've made it to stage 5. Congratulations!

Cool idea!

Quick info: the exported Linux version doesn't come bundled with the .PCK, so it can't be opened (didn't test the Windows version though)


Oof thanks for the info, will be fixed after the jam

Cool little puzzle game!

Interesting concept with the wind.  My only complaint is that the complexity of the levels increases fast and the upcoming winds can be difficult to think about at times.

Damn man. This was super tough and super fun. That poor ladybug beetle died like a million times today :D

Btw mate, check out my game and tell me your view yeah? :)