A downloadable tool for Windows

LiSE assumes that there are certain problems any designer of life simulators will have, and provides powerful tools specialized to those problems. Though you will still need to write some Python code for your game, it should only be the code that describes how your game's world works. If you don't want to worry about the data structure that represents the world, LiSE gives you one that will work. And if you don't want to write a user interface, you can play the game in the IDE.

The LiSE data model has been designed from the ground up to support debugging of complex simulations. It remembers everything that ever happened in the simulation, so that when something strange happens in a playtester's game, and they send you their save file, you can track down the cause, even if it happened long before the tester knew to look for it.

It's pronounced "lies". The screenshots are of ELiDE, the graphical development tool; LiSE itself is headless, and can be run as a server, though this isn't very well supported yet.


ELiDE 0.14.2 win.zip 72 MB

Install instructions

You can run ELiDE standalone if you've extracted a zip bundle; just double-click runThis.bat. This probably isn't sufficient to build a game with, yet, so run the included python.exe from a command line in the Python38-32 directory and it should be able to import LiSE.

The bundle includes its own Python interpreter that you can use if you wish. Consider adding it to your Path (using the location of Python38-32, not the one given by that answer).

If you'd like to use LiSE in some other Python interpreter, open a command line and install it with Python's "pip" tool, eg.

# Windows only: install Kivy dependencies
python3 -m pip install kivy.deps.sdl2 kivy.deps.glew
# run the following on every platform
python3 -m pip install LiSE ELiDE

See the README for programming instructions. You can launch the graphical interface with

python3 -m ELiDE

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Discord group?

Not on Discord, but there is a forum for LiSE