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2000 words is like the limit, right? 1000 words equals 5 minutes according to the page. Well, mine's is not a full fledged story really, is more a general idea. I wanna see how others make a story in a 10 minute visual novel.


There's no limit! You can make the game as long as you like~ 

1000 words is used as an example because I personally have done 1000 word VNs and played plenty too. I recommend checking out the VNs made for the Only One of Any Asset Jam (O2A2), because they're perfect in terms of what we think of a minimum for this jam. We'd rather have some low effort games than no effort games (as in, the dev makes the game immediately crash or unplayable), hence the minimum rule.

Understood. Sounds logical, and I hope at least get a bad VN with a ending instead of not being able to submit nothing.


If it helps, having a finished game isn't part of the rules! Unfinished games are welcome, and could, in fact, enchance how bad your VN is ;D