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I did not Spam my project into any games jams

A topic by Digital Phoenix UG (haftungsbeschränkt) created 88 days ago Views: 71 Replies: 1
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Submitted (3 edits)

30 Minutes ago, I got a message by a mod called leafo where he accused me of "spamming" my projects into multiple jams where they did not belong.

And due to this accusation, he apparently punished me by taking away my possibility to participate in any further jams in the Future.  

This accusation is NOT true. I did not Spam my project anywhere.  For the most part , I used jams to participate in bundles 😰 just as the creators of the bundles intended. I never submitted anything  against the consent of the jam creators.  You can ask anselgames and others.  For the most times,  I was put in the bundle related to the jam. I never got disqualified..

And if the accusations of me being a Spammer would be true, they would not have put my games into their bundles. 

These accusations are totally unjustified.  I always used the jams exactly as the creators intended.  Nobody ever complained to me about anything.  (Some jams did not select me because they just select a limited number of people. But I never abused the System. For the most part, I am even friends with most of the jam creators where I submitted stuff, on discord.)

Thus, I humbly request to remove that unjustified  punishment from my Account or at least turn it into a temporary punishment instead of a permanent. 

(I promise, after that horrible incident now, I will never again join anything official from the itch admins.. no matter if I Think I am allowed to join or not.. I never want to repeat that horrible experience again...)


Admin (1 edit)

If you need to make an appeal for an account restriction you can contact support and explain everything you know:


Admin archived this topic