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Heyo just making sure I understand this right:

A topic by Lloyds Dev Corner created Dec 07, 2023 Views: 56 Replies: 1
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(1 edit) (+1)

So I can submit multiple 'minigames' under one full game right? My idea is a sort of arcade, wario-ware style series of minigames (each being no longer than 12 seconds for each)

Should I do as I'm planning and make this all into one project and submit under one submission or create separate submissions for each mini-game. 


hi Lloyd Dev Corner

Thanks for signing up and taking part! The short answer is yup! The longer answer is yup! Go for it, this is an unranked game jam and designed to let you have creative freedom to make something that’s really fun to play, so the more you want to make the better! I’m looking forward to seeing what you submit. 

Good luck
