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A member registered Jun 26, 2017 · View creator page →

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not sure yet, my first thought is puzzle type stuff, I'm thinking shrinking and enlarging like an Alice in wonderland type of thing. Best of luck on your jam! I'm glad you figured something out and I'm curious as to what you came up with so I guess we'll see soon enough :P 

I think emphasize both parts of the theme equally if you can. Size and Matters. Make sure that if you have objects changing size, that it actually matters. To what extent it 'matters' is entirely subjective but hey thats part of the fun! Happy jammin!

pretty fun and creative game! looking for the patterns was very enjoyable!

very neat game! Great job!

wow these are some whimsical little guys

great art and concept, took a little bit to get the hang of. Great Job!

man I don't know if I'm just bad or if this is pretty hard XD 

Nonetheless pretty fun once you get the hang of it.

Really fun game! Excellent gameplay and atmosphere/ambiance. The VA was a great touch too!

Very good game! Loved the ambiance and the voice acting was well done!

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Yeah sorry its one of the hardest but it helps to establish the late jump idea. Perhaps I should tweak it a bit since its right at the beginning

Oh no, I'll make some standalone versions. I'm assuming other web games on itch work for you? 

Thanks for the feedback, I'll check things on my end to see if maybe I missed something

Hey grats on beating it! Thanks for the feedback, that greatly helps to identify the bug and hopefully fix it lol...

Very cool game!! Challenging but fair, and the endings are such a nice touch! Great job!

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I hate to break it to ya, but movement and a point system is totally a game my dude. You'll be fine just try to make and upload something!

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Awesome! I'll check it out! Also you may wanna look into making your game playable in the browser. Its pretty easy with unity and could help you get some more players (if people don't have to download they're more likely to play) but if there's some reason you wanted to avoid a web build that's perfectly fine. Web can sometimes run different than PC versions so there is that to consider. 

Hey thanks for checking it out and the kind words, I appreciate you bringing up the controller thing. Had no idea it *almost* worked fully with controller. I'll get to testing it later and fix the swings to allow controller inputs too! Thanks again for playing and for bringing this up!

Thanks for giving it a try! It may be a tad easier now as I've tweaked a few things/am fixing more. The player hurtbox is now also considerably smaller so that may help :P Don't worry if you don't finish I'm glad you checked it out! As for the art its from Kenney.NL feel free to check them out! Lots of great free assets you can use for game jams or anything really and I love their style!

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Very well put together game with a very cute aesthetic! I love seeing 'new retro' titles! The music is also catchy and the gameplay is pretty solid and challenging. Good job!

This game was amazing and was so much fun to try and speedrun. If you spam the jump button you can get multiple jumps in, which intended or otherwise provides some really interesting movement options and paths. I did end up going again and playing more slowly and messing around with the various weapons. Very well put together level design. It flowed great and powerups seemed to be fairly placed. Good job

This was a really awesome but difficult game! well done, not much to add that hasn't already been said besides good job! 

No biggie! you as well!

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Perhaps the player hitbox is a little too punishing, I'll look into adjusting it to an appropriate degree. Thankyou for the feedback!

By 'clings to something' do you mean like on the walls? I will also be looking into fixing that and make sliding off of the walls/surfaces more consistent. EDIT: I see what you mean now, the floors have some issues too, I'll do my best to sort that out and test all the ground colliders. Thankyou for reporting the issue! I jump around way too much so I didn't seem to notice much. 

Thankyou again for posting, it really helps me moving forward and patching this one up. 

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Heyo thanks for posting! Unless some odd bug occurred this shouldn't happen. There are 5 levels in total (some not so different in layout) and after the last one you should see an end screen like below.

I'll look into what might've caused this, thankyou for playing and giving feedback. 

Impressive showing and cool concept! 

Really good game, especially for a game jam in 6 days! Grats and good job :D

Great game! This was really fun to play around with and try to go for Hole in 1s!

Good job!

What an incredible experience! Great job!

I do wanna report a small bug I encountered on the web build of the game: When losing and restarting the music seems to start playing twice.

I'm kinda new to these sorts of jams and have never really made my own analog RPG, much less a micro one but this seemed like a really cool jam and I want to participate. Anyway for my sake making it easy and accessible I was wondering if submissions for single player adventures/games were okay. 

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These are super cool! Love ur pixel art!

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So I can submit multiple 'minigames' under one full game right? My idea is a sort of arcade, wario-ware style series of minigames (each being no longer than 12 seconds for each)

Should I do as I'm planning and make this all into one project and submit under one submission or create separate submissions for each mini-game. 

Going Good! Did we get a ruling on UI and text as mentioned on the website formerly known as price er I mean twitter. 

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Just released an update that should fix some of the issues you posted. Sorry for the buggyness, thanks for giving it a go

Oh gosh this was fun, very unique movement style although it felt a little cluttered in the first level (which by the way after stumbling through and failing once or twice I beat it and was like !!! theres MORE!) overall great work and amazing idea/execution. 

Thankyou for the kind words :D That means a lot

Very cute coots game, reminded me of wario ware at first! good replayability too

Good game! Very cute ending!

Very cool concept and game! Good job!

Incredible game and very fun and stylized! I really enjoyed the mechanics once I took some time to learn them, and the life/heart system gives you plenty of chances to get acclimated. Really interesting concept and engaging gameplay! Having a lot of fun with this one!

Wow this game is so well polished and stylized! Really love the zelda-esque style and gameplay. I'm gonna have fun with this one for a while I can tell...