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A member registered Nov 25, 2018 · View creator page →

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Great first game jam entry, atmospheric and spooky. Thanks for taking part.

Really enjoyed this game, one more go, one more go... great entry. Thanks for taking part.

Enjoyed my time at sea, multiple lines on the go, stashed some things, was fun. Thanks for taking part (get this on the list of future projects please)

Enjoyed this game quite a bit, could see lots of scope for this, get some more puzzles in... once you finish playing KSP. Thanks for taking part.

was a fun wee game, played through a few times trying to get the alternate endings. Great first game jam entry, cheers for taking part!

(1 edit)

More levels please, thanks for taking part.

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Theme results will be announce on Friday the 12th April at 6pm (GMT)

Hi all,

just wanted to say a massive thank you to everyone who signed up for the 12 Seconds of Christmas Game Jam, and an even bigger thanks to those that managed to submit a game, they were all great entries and I had fun trying them all out.

Thanks again and keep an eye out for the next jam coming up.



Love the cute snowmen and the gruff looking yeti. Nice take on the theme, and a high score of 2190! Thanks for joining the jam

I really like this couch play game. Kind reminded me a little of the old worms games. Would be cool to see this as an online multiplayer . Great game, thanks for taking part in the jam.

I enjoyed delivering these presents and I liked that it got a little trickier each new stage. A fun take on the theme, thanks so much for taking part!

Really love the amount of polish on this, great game, great gameplay... I'm number one at the time of writing! Going back to try and get them all stacked! 

Yeah, it had a sticky start so I've tweaked it a wee bit so you should get a decent start now. Thanks for playing, and for entering your game... I'll get that 4th level beaten yet!

I've tweaked it ever so slightly so it's much easier to get a start on it now. Thanks for playing, and thank you for taking part in the jam!

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Clicked that little gingerbread man with all the speed I could muster! Nice clicker, thanks for joining in the jam!

Frustratingly fun! I get to level 4 no problem (after several dozen deaths working out the timing) but then the panic jumping starts... I will beat this eventually! Great game, thanks for joining the jam!

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All Herbert Socks wanted was to live past 80... sorry Herb. Love it, great game, thanks for joining the jam!

hi Lloyd Dev Corner

Thanks for signing up and taking part! The short answer is yup! The longer answer is yup! Go for it, this is an unranked game jam and designed to let you have creative freedom to make something that’s really fun to play, so the more you want to make the better! I’m looking forward to seeing what you submit. 

Good luck



I liked this, blah blah blah approach :D, it was good, I am also now living in the woods with Dinnae Ken Games. Nice work

I really like the concept of this, bright colour with the silhouette style works well. Nice work

really eerie look and feel to this game, feelings of dread to try and work out where to launch them missiles. Nice work

I really like the characters and your story for this one. Good job

It was fun, and I was just getting into the swing of it as the jam came to a close, but hopefully I'll pick it up after the jam. Hadn't seen Far: Lone Sails but it looks really nice, gonna give it a blast.

Love it, took me a couple of rounds to get used to the card types and placement but the game play was great. Liked the card designs, reminded me of Jazzpunk for some reason. Could have used more body bags at times. Good music choice. Solid entry, looking forward to the fully finished game coming soon.

Just to show I got it done! Didn't want to ruin it for anyone else so redacted some info.

Downstairs, couldn't get in, made a mess all over the place

Nice platformer that is frustratingly fun. Need the old school pixel perfect timing and jumps for this one. Really like the pixel art of the main character and great choice of music. Good job

Fun game, smooth slapping action and got me some crips,  would play again. Took a few goes but I got that 45 pints eventually! Guess that means I am legend.

(The crash happens in webgl when trying to go to the toilets sometimes.)

I'm a winner! Smooth gameplay, glad it finished at 5 minutes but only because I would have been on this for a loooong time otherwise. Looking forward to the full game for Christmas.

I loved the music in this charming game with a fun mechanic. Took me a couple of goes but got the final news paper  in the end as well. Good job

I love a Run Grizzly Jamoween entry so I'm really glad you got in, genuinely, in the 11th hour. There's always a 'one more go' with your games and this one's no different, more high scores to follow.

Love it, solid game play, fun warm feel, really polished, and a great take on the theme, well done.

I liked the pixel art and enjoyed slicing the fruit, but felt the jumping was a little erratic making it hard to judge where I was landing. Maybe slowing the speed down a little or wider camera, still fun, 11582 score to beat!

I really enjoyed walking walt round the backroom, VHS and lighting added perfectly to the creepy feel. Looking forward to the full game! #12monthsofgamedev2024

(2 edits)

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Theme results concluded with a draw between two of the themes and went to a live vote on Twitch ending with the winning result being "URBAN LEGENDS".
You can see the stats of the vote below.