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Magical Shooter - Arena FPS cute-em-up

A topic by Ultra Runaway Games created May 03, 2018 Views: 717 Replies: 1
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(3 edits)

Magical Shooter - Arena FPS cute-em-up

I've been working on a cute FPS where you fight a bunch of ghosties. You have to manage the tug-of-war battle between the light and dark energy that powers your weapons. You have a rapid fire light magic shot and a dark magic spread shot. Using your light magic makes your dark magic stronger and your light magic weaker, and vice versa. Juggle this with running around collecting power-ups and dodging attacks.

Art and UI are placeholder. Any feedback on difficulty, fun, or bugs would be appreciated. I'm also open to game name brainstorming.


Looks interesting, I put you up on the fresh games section on the homepage.