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A member registered Jun 19, 2017 · View creator page →

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Thanks for your feedback !

Interesting concept and nice graphics but a bit confusing on how things works, there are so many ennemies that there's few time to figure out the mechanics.

Thanks you !

Very cool graphics in the 1-bit style.

Thanks for your feedback !

Great concept, I can see this expanded into a full game.

I think the camera is a bit to jumpy for me and made me lost in the levels at some times.

Thanks a lot  !

Nice game, the echolocation effect is very well made.

Thanks for reminding me how garbage I am racing game lol.

Very impressive how it looks like an old racing game, seems right out of an arcade, well done !

Thanks, I hope you still had fun.

Original artistic direction even though I'm not very fond of it. The clues where quite cryptic, I didn't decipher them lol.

Thanks ! Nice time, congratulations !

(2 edits)

Fun concept, the transformation between the two forms is well executed. I had trouble with some wall blocking the jump height and also I got stuck into the blowfish form without being able to change back.

Thanks for the suggestions, I'll have to test some options to see what feels the best.

Wonderful experience, it really felt like a complete game. Sadly I couldn't pass the flying section and the character ended stuck in the air when I was spamming flying and dashing at the same time.

Thanks a lot !

Nice game and cute graphics.

It's not good, it's excellent ! That's the best time so far, congratulations !

Good concept and great execution, congratulations. I couldn't pass 2nd level though lol.

Thanks for the feedback.

Interresting concept but it's hard too follow what happening between the different screens.

Fun mechanic, and yes the panic comes quite fast lol.

A bit confusing at first, I thought the doctor in the other dimension was mirroring my actions. I didn't manage to win yet but interresting mechanics.

Nice concept and educationnal too.
I would have liked a way to see the overall progress and know if I was close to the end or not when delivering the parts.

I really dig the art style and the music, very cool !
Gameplay-wise, I think maybe the canonballs could move straight without following the ship vertically.

I really dig the art style and the music, very cool !
Gameplay-wise, I think maybe the canonballs could move straight without following the ship vertically.

Thanks, next time I'll be sure to move sounds up in the priority list ^^

Do you remember what time you got ?

Thanks for your comment and for including your time !
I would have loved to include sound and music but I was learning along the way and ended short on time to do so.

Nice concept but it's very hard to play, I can hardly see the walls.